third person view?

i noticed from watching the trailer it was first person view.. but wondered if it could also be played in third person??

please help!


The game plays on First Person view but switch itself when you climb a ladder, a ledge, a box, etc. And I don't think you can switch the view to Third Person while playing... it would diminish the experience also.

"Liberate Tutamet Ex Inferis"


Yeah, it really wouldn't be as good if it was in third person. First person immerses you into the character.


I don't know why these games don't have an option for both.
Driving games always have alternate why not something like this?

For me, I'd prefer a 3rd person view on this kind of game. For a FPS the 1st person view is fine, but with sneaking and stealth you just need 3rd person (IMO). Sometimes I can't tell just how well I am hidden behind a box, etc in 1st person without constantly looking behind me.

Having the option for both views or even to switch would have been great.

The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he is God.


For a FPS the 1st person view is fine, but with sneaking and stealth you just need 3rd person (IMO). Sometimes I can't tell just how well I am hidden behind a box, etc in 1st person without constantly looking behind me.
You are totally hidden when in the dark, you can tell when you are crouched by the screen turning a blue color. I have no problems hiding behind crates and corners even in the light. You can peak to see what’s going on and the game is a bit forgiving, a bad guy may see you, but won't necessarily start shooting at you immediately they usually actively search for you first which gives you time to find a better spot to hide or for you to get ready to attack.

A lot of stealth games are in FP, some have both too, but with the way the gameplay is designed in this game it wouldn't translate well to TPS.


This is the only stealth game I actually like BECAUSE it's in first person.

Kiff stand in that hole so I look taller-zapp branigan
