This used to be funny

This used to be funny when it first aired because 1) it was pretty equal opportunity and 2) the cast was better. In the years since they first tried this Thursday thing, things have gone downhill. This past episode on Thursday really was just a bunch of Romney bashing with a funny bit about Convention cut away shots and a so so segment with a drunk uncle. Know why there wasn't even a mention of Obama? Romney's secretly recorded speech was just too obvious to not ridicule from this snl cast and Obama's recent bad press (6 million people will get tax penalties this year for not getting health insurance, Bloomberg reports that people filing for unemployment benefits are higher than originally projected, the fast and furious scandal which allowed hundreds of guns to fall into the hands of criminals) wouldn't be funny. His bad press is just really, really depressing. You also won't get any jokes about the endless parade of Hollywood celebs throwing fund raiser after fund raiser to basically remind us all that Obama is currently president and wants the job for four more years.


I'd say that's a pretty fair assessment. I would love a show like this that just had fun at both sides expense. Unfortunately SNL has become way too one-sided, and it shows.
