Maybe NOT Cancelled

"The cast is now back in Los Angeles, waiting to hear if the critically acclaimed, but expensive, NBC show will be renewed for another season. "No decision has been made yet about another season," NBC spokesman Jamie French says of the show, which is about a wealthy, but tortured, man (Purefoy) who finds worthwhile causes and goes in person to help. "

I'd love a Season 2!! Maybe it will fair better at the start of the Fall Season.



Honesty, this show looks far superior to either Mercy or Trauma. Both of which are being promoted ad infinitum, ad naseum. They both seem to be tired, creaky, formulas that have been worn into the ground.

Let's not even start with the incessantly promoted comedy Community -- oh joy, a retread of the Americanized Office, by way of its clone Parks and Recreation. I like the Office -- but we already have one, thank you.

Seriously, though, what should I expect from a network that airs the execrable The Biggest Looser. Wait, the biggest looser is NBC, isn't it?



Every time I see the advertisement for Mercy, I throw up in my mouth a little bit - so pretentious, so melodramatic, so over-acted, so crappy. I'll take Teddy Rist over that garbage any day.



It hasn't been renewed but the odds are pretty bad. The show had it's order reduced and was moved from a prime spot as a midseason replacement to the summer. Then it proceeded to finish in last place amongst network shows every week but it's first.

I enjoyed the show a lot, especially the finale, but it's time to accept it's likely done.

Apparently my signature defines who I am... so I made it just this


I have watched all the episodes to date and just cannot get 'thrilled'
with the script nor story content.
It is plain to see that James Purefoy definetely packs the whole show.
Why Neve Campbell? She is such a boring actress!
In my opinion, James has wasted his magnificant acting talents on this one!
Back to the UK with you James!!!!!!!

Canadian James fan!


Hey! "Southland" is a great show!

"Ah! Strip clubs: where all men are created equal."

-The Philanthropist (NBC)


Southland is a TERRIBLE show. Poor writing, disjointed cuts to new scenes, far too many characters I want to see killed, and ridiculous bleeping out of profanity. I don't mind profanity, but if it;s going to be bleeped out every 20 seconds, then write it without the profanity. Even if this was on TNT or FX I still would not watch it.


I'm gonna be thoroughly pissed off if it gets cancelled too. I am so sick of these crime and hospital shows. NBC has cancelled so many shows that I thought had so much potential. This is so original and they could do so much with it.

And who doesn't want a hour of James Purefoy on screen each week?? It puts a little more joy into my day.


I don't understand why they would premiere such an expensive show during the summer when no one watches new shows. I think the ratings would have been much better had they put it on the fall schedule.


I'd imagine it did poorly with test audiences and executives.

Apparently my signature defines who I am... so I made it just this


Mercy is trying to be ER..

NOTHING will replace ER and it's time for better time TV.

I love Ugly Betty, Grey's Anatomy.. BUT THIS....

Is something worth following.


I wondered that too. I only watched this show originally for Purefoy, but then thoroughly enjoyed it. I did figure it was doomed from the get go, as it was "dumped" in the summer.

"You may very well think that; I couldn't possibly comment."


So what was the verdict? I didn't hear. I liked Purefoy too.
