MovieChat Forums > Womb (2011) Discussion > This movie is just all wrong

This movie is just all wrong

Well I am a very open minded person, grew up as a teen in the 60's and 70's, lived a pretty opened life in the 80's but no matter what the review said here and I quote: If your first impression of the film is that its an Erotic drama on incest, you couldn't be further from the truth." I just saw a female have romantic feelings for this child then later adult, no matter what her mental state was from the lose of her lover, Playing around, teasing each other and down right having sex with your lovers clone even if its not part of any of her own DNA this female still had this baby, breast feed this baby raised this baby to become a man to then have sex with him. Fact is this movie is very disturbing and I just cant stand to watch it the 2nd time ever and it should be banned from any showing of it in the United States, frankly I cannot believe it is showing on Showtime. People go through losses everyday and that doesnt mean its ok to clone( if we could) our husband or lover, and she didnt just have him cloned, she had him literally, birthed him, she was his vessel. She had that child out of her, it was her baby no matter what, and she literally had thoughts of love for him like you would a lover and thats just sick, she was sick, she was mentally disturbed and that doesnt make this movie some movie art. There is no candy coating the whole thing and turning it into some freaking art of a movie. And when I see so many here talking about how beautiful the whole thing was it just turns my stomach. Its like what kind of people are you. Thats no different then when a man and woman have a child then the child grows up to look more and more like the mother and the mother is growing old and the father is looking at the daughter like he use to see his wife with her beauty and then wants to have sex with his daughter cause it would be like having sex with his wife back when she was young. hats called being a pervert. Thats incest too. Would it be ok to adopt a baby and just because the child has no related DNA to the parents that adopted the child that its ok to have sex with that child when they become a teen or an adult? No. This movie cannot get a bye just because it has beautiful scenery and waves splashing and what, thats about it. There was no beauty in this film at all. It was a movie about a female gone crazy and off her friking rocker and had a clone of her lover so she could love it but yet breast feeds it and cares for it so she can use it as her lover one day. How sick is that. there is no pretending its ok. BTW I am no christian freak either, I am as liberal as they come but this movie is just sick. It should have never been made and anyone that actually goes out and buys the DVD needs to see a therapist. Only in another country would this be considered ok. UGH!!!!


That you want a movie banned demonstrates that you don't deserve American citizenship. If you could get past that dumb reaction, you might understand that the movie is meant to be somewhat disturbing, though you might have point that mom comes across as a little too saintly


Yes, wanting immoral trash banned and having an opinion on that means you don't deserve US citizenship. Do you see how ridiculous that sounds?


What's more American than the stifling of the exchange of ideas?
"You're wrong. You're stupid. You don't even deserve to talk." That pretty much sums up what we read and hear Americans say on near daily basis.

I'm like a rabbit suddenly trapped
In the blinding headlights of vacuous crap.


What's more American than the stifling of the exchange of ideas?
"You're wrong. You're stupid. You don't even deserve to talk." That pretty much sums up what we read and hear Americans say on near daily basis.

Well, that's what the OP wants to do.

For every lie I unlearn I learn something new - Ani Difranco


I would also appear that I was having a frustrating day. I really must stay away from Facebook or at least change what pages I follow. 

"What kind of tea do you want?"
"There's more than one kind?"


Yes, wanting immoral trash banned and having an opinion on that means you don't deserve US citizenship. Do you see how ridiculous that sounds?

You should look up "freedom of speech", it's a big part of your constitution.
Banning what you consider "immoral trash" is censorship, pure and simple. That's how most dictatorships begin. Isn't the US the land of the Free? Free to what? Discuss things that make you uncomfortable or free to ban it?

Yes, because that should be a main criteria for movie viewing 🙄

Absolutely. Anything thought provoking should be at the top of anyone's list. Not the cowards who are running from thoughts and issues. The rest of us.

I was offended by the movie also. You have to draw the line somewhere and this movie definitely crossed it for me.

You can absolutely draw the line somewhere, concerning what you will or won't watch. That's a basic right and you should exercize it whenever you feel like it, just like the rest of us should be free to choose what we will and won't see. Not you. Us.

And guess what? Some people are also offended by Romeo and Juliet, because teenagers commit suicide, or Moby Dick, because people are cruel to animals in it. Would you like to get those banned too? Just to cover the offensive art for everyone.

For every lie I unlearn I learn something new - Ani Difranco


sawyer.........I agree entirely with the first reply to this closed-minded person
that thinks that since they didn't like the subject matter then of course "no one has the right to see the movie". This is a typical liberal viewpoint that we have today. This is the type of person that believes that since they had parents that
didn't choose abortion and they made it safely to exist on this awesome planet they now think that the murder of innocents is just fine. Please try to remember also that whether or not you watch this movie is that it's just a "CHOICE". But back to your pathetic rant you need to get a grip on reality.....It's just a movie!!!


You should run on down to Walmart and get yourself a clue.

You can pretend all you want that it is the liberals who keep coming up with backwards laws trying to control the personal lives of Americans but as usual you would be wrong.

It is hilarious that you are telling anyone to get a grip on reality when you obviously don't have it yourself.


Just curious, who was the person who educate you about incest?

The spoiler is A HAPPY ENDING!


Any movie worth banning is a movie worth watching.

My Movies/TV/Sports Site


Yes, because that should be a main criteria for movie viewing 🙄


Your post made me think about the message. I believe she was wrong to birth Tommy. But in her grief she could see no other option. She moved from mother to lover, an expression most parents don't do. We know our role and perfect it each day. This woman was raising her lover. In my opinion there was no mother/son bond. Tommy may have called her mom, but she was far from that. I see the posts about incest and in my opinion she's not blood (DNA). If you want to say pedophile, I feel that is closer to the situation, along with rape. She used Tommy. The movie is very disturbing and should be. On paper things look clear. It's only when ideas come to life do we get the chance to see the flaws. We feel how wrong something is. Science is moving to I can, not I should. I remember a movie about growing a baby outside of the womb. We have clones. Where will it stop?
Tommy was following her lead, if he was inappropriate, it was due to her.

she loved poetry and romance, but she hit the glass ceiling at birth


As another person who grew up in the 60s and 70's, I suggest you have anything but an open mind and a liberal attitude. If you had truly lived in and been part of the Free Love Generation and the "Make Love, Not War" era, you would be one of the last people to disparage sexuality and of all things, censorship and banning of a movie because YOU don't like the content.

Perhaps you need review the definitions of Open Mind and Liberal, and please don't try to represent those of us that really grew up in that era.

Fred, Atlanta


in short, this person finds it normal and ok for a parent to have sex with their child.


in short, this person finds it normal and ok for a parent to have sex with their child.

No. This person thinks people have a right to discuss controversial subjects, and provoke thoughts about it through art.

For every lie I unlearn I learn something new - Ani Difranco


I agree with you. I am a writer-director and hate this type of story which trying to get attention in any cost. Only sick-mind people could enjoy the movie either it's structure or narration.


Then you too are an idiot. How can you be a writer and go around slandering other art whilst calling all who enjoy it sick? It's moronic. I hope I never encounter any of the utter bile that you must have written.


I thought this was a good movie. Sure it was disturbing but it was supposed to be a little on the freaky side. I saw a lot of similarities between this movie and the classic Frankenstein story. I think Rebecca created her own monster and it certainly felt that way when Tommy left her at the end.
