1/10 (could've been 0). Here's why:

While I didn’t like TINKERBELL (not just because she's no longer portrayed as sexy), at least it had a somewhat interesting plot because it was about the title character's identity crisis. While TINKERBELL AND THE LOST TREASURE is partly about her fight with her friend TERRANCE, it’s mostly about a treasure hunt. There's no depth in that. TINK has a new sidekick named BLAZE. I hate him because: A) He makes a very annoying sound. B) He is to TINK what TINK was to PETER PAN, which is a constant reminder that she’s better as a silent sidekick than a talking heroine. When you have someone like TERRANCE around who’s constantly making a mess, you shouldn’t yell at them like TINK did... but that doesn’t mean that you have to apologize. She was right!

You can read comments of other movies at http://vits-ingthemovies.blogspot.cl/2016/03/comments-round-up-february-2016.html

Any thoughts?
