MovieChat Forums > Leap Year (2010) Discussion > What year does the film take place?

What year does the film take place?

The film was made in 2010, but when does it take place? As we find out at 59:55, Feb 29th falls on a Monday. The last Feb 29th on a Monday before 2010 was 1988, but it couldn't have been that year because Anna has a Blackberry. So the year must be 2016.


I don't think they had a specific year in mind... I think it was just any leap year in general.


I agree with you that no particular year was meant, the film was intended to take place "round about now", i.e. 2010 +/- 2 years. In my opinion it was sloppy writing, the screenwriter never thought about it. A better director would have have noticed the problem and made changes to place the action firmly in 2008 or 2012.

Incidentally, the calendar shown in the trailer puts February 29th on a Thursday. But then again, film trailers are often inaccurate when compared with the films they advertise.


mghood-297-754532, I'm recommending that your physicist up your dose of beta-blockers, and might I also say that whatever measures counciling for your OCD has provided clearly are not working.

Opinions are just onions with pi in them.




You are right about the sloppiness, especially when it is so avoidable (why specify the day of the week? or if they're going to, why not think a little and get it right?). But, then this whole movie feels like it was thrown together without much care (in terms of script, not production value). raf-33, you should appreciate such attention to detail, even if the movie doesn't really merit it. Also, cute to refer to mghood's "physicist"; we should all have one. Mine was Stephen Hawking, but then the insurance wouldn't pay for him. OK, that's a lie; I don't have health insurance.

Multiplex: 100+ shows a day, NONE worth watching. John Sayles' latest: NO distribution. SAD.


They had to specify the day as Monday as a plot device - so that she would be stuck in town on Sunday when no trains are running.

So let's just pretend that in this alternate universe, 2010 is a leap year and February 29 is on Monday.


Dayvit78, you have the right idea. Sometimes, we just need to go along with certain details, and if the movie draws me in and engages me well enough, I'm willing to do that. It's been long enough since I saw this one, that I don't remember how well it worked for me, or how much I'd put up with, in terms of willing suspension of disbelief. But your basic premise holds true, in that, if a movie isn't a documentary, or based on true historical events, it only needs to be true to the fictional world/reality it creates. That reality can be completely ridiculous, but if the movie's creators make it work for me, I'll buy it. If they don't, I won't buy even the most plausible of elements. It's all about good movie making, as perceived by me.

Just make a movie that makes me care, one way or another. I'm open.


Why on Earth does it matter?!


I am watching this movie in 2016 so it makes perfect sense to me to think it is set in this year. I guess when it was made it was a futuristic film.
