MovieChat Forums > Cars 2 (2011) Discussion > 6.4... Because it's by PIXAR?

6.4... Because it's by PIXAR?

I don't know. I haven't seen the movie yet, but I'm really surprised about the 6.6 rating. My guess is it's because Pixar made that movie, and expectations are really high. Also, it follows Toy Story 3.

Or... is it really that bad? :(


Yep, Owen Wilson's character is hardly in it, instead the movie centers around the minor character of the idiot, rusted out tow truck driver and is set up as a "James Bond" Spoof??? Worse, the plot has the annoying idiot somehow mistaken by all these operatives for a "secret agent." The farcical plot that has been beaten to death in slapstick fare like "If Looks Can Kill" and "Beavis and Butthead Do America" plus the James Bond references were already covered by Pixar in "The Incredibles." This just didn't feel at all like anything I should be expecting in a sequel after seeing the original Cars which I enjoyed.


I didn't think that it was that bad. I think that too many people walked in there thinking that it was the next Toy Story 3 and were disappointed.


I think most people were thinking it'd be the next Pixar film, and were consequently disappointed.


I for one walked in worried I wouldn't like it knowing before hand of the reception it had so far. I walked out happily knowing I genuinely enjoyed it. Had its morals in there but the heck load of good actions scenes is the real steal for me.

Still, I can understand why it wouldn't generally be as good of a film compared to the other pixar films or in general even. This is one not everyone will love for sure. I'm just glad I love it.

Edit: And just to add, I still think it's a reeeal weird idea to not only have a Cars movie but a sequel? The first one ended on a right note but this unexpected sequel surprised me in a good way. It's got the 'more racing' part right, which is something I expected from the first since it only had it in the beginning and ending.


i agree this sounds terrible.........dvd 4 me lol


I liked it better than the first Cars and Ratatouille. THAT movie was a real turd.

TRON: Tough as nails, yet smooth as silk.


yeah i have a weird feeling that people think because they were entertained in the movie that it doesnt deserve the flak it gets.

the rating is down to 6.4 now, but thats still a solid rating. Any animated film with over 6.0 is worth a watch. Its only films that are 7.0+ that you really should watch. For such a mediocre film i think its a good rating.

The movie itself was weak and slow. James bond cars? An entire world designed and run by cars? Why do they have seats and doors if there arent and never were humans anywhere?? its just a half assed franchise and people who like it dont want to admit that its lazy


it was going to be CARS ... Part 2, not Mater does a Mr. Bean spoof.
(pardon me if I got the comedian wrong. I'm not exactly sure Mr. Bean did a Bond spoof. I know there has been a movie where some dim-bulb gets mistaken for a secret agent. In fact, I'd guess there have been 3 or 4 of them.)

btw, I liked Mater in Cars. But this sequel just didn't make the turn.


I went into Cars not sure what to expect, but I wasn't expecting to love it, which I did, and Cars became one of my favorite Pixar movies. With Cars 2, I was excited and hopeful, but after finally seeing it, I just don't think it's that great. I gave it a 5 out of 10, because I just cannot bring myself to give it anything less. For me, there was just no heart or soul in it. Just my own two cents.



Watch the movie and find out for yourself.

New Siggy: Some people on IMDB whine just as bad as 2 yr olds.


People are simply hating on this because it's cool to hate on it. I'm not saying you have to like it, I'm saying the criticism is going way too far. It really wasn't that bad. It still have the smart Pixar humor, and the ending was incredible. Stop hating just for the sake of it.


i think its fair. its pixar... and theyve made a career out of quality films and being very open about saying integrity of the film (especially the story, and reasons for a sequel) is incredibly important to them...

consequently, a lackluster story that goes against their established ethics and promises is only naturally not going to be recieved very well... this really was well below their usual standards. NOT a terrible film, but a pales in comparison with pixars own standards. hence the score... which is quite fair to be honest.

its their worst film to date. looks very pretty, sure, but in terms of story effort and how the film turned out... it just wasnt as good as anything theyve done before.

Belief in a supernatural source of evil is unnecessary -We alone are capable of every wickedness


It's not a bad movie!


It sucked! And so do you!


Wow, im getting an idea of the kind of people that is hating on this film.


Agree with you 100%. People keep saying "it's not bad!!!" and freaking out because anyone says otherwise. They are right, it's not bad, but if you compare it to Pixar films it is. It is their worst film, and that's why people are so hard on it. It feels like Pixar was lazy, which is extra upsetting because they are held to a higher standard.


I don't think people are hating just for the sake of it. It's not because in comparison to all other animated films out there that it was horrible, it's just that naturally people are holding it to a Pixar standard, which is one of the top animation studios. When holding it to the Pixar standard, it's bad, pretty much their worst film. But holding it to everything else, it's good. Also, with the insane amount of merchandise released with this film and it being not as good as their other films, it's easy to assume that this was just a movie to make a quick buck, which is unlike Pixar who usually put a lot of care and effort into their films. True or not, I think that's why people are extra hard on it.

not true. Just as much effort went into this movie as any other PIXAR film. John Lasseter and the people at PIXAR loves the whole concept of the Cars world.

Agree with you 100%. People keep saying "it's not bad!!!" and freaking out because anyone says otherwise. They are right, it's not bad, but if you compare it to Pixar films it is. It is their worst film, and that's why people are so hard on it. It feels like Pixar was lazy, which is extra upsetting because they are held to a higher standard.

This movie has a 38% rotten rating on RT,I can totally see why people would be speaking out because honestly that is way too harsh


I think the hating is good.

I mean, the hating makes sure people will think it's atrocious, and thus can only be happily surprised, when they experience it and realize - it isn't! Maybe that can make people appreciate it even more than they otherwise would, but I was genuinely surprised that the movie was actually really good - there was nothing inherently wrong about it.

I couldn't even finish watching Tintin or Polar Express - they were that bad.

But with this one, I was sad that it ended already, because it was just such a fun ride. In that sense, it's a bit like "Limitless" - plot holes, clichés and other faults, but a really fun experience from the beginning to the end. I'd rather watch Cars 2 than watch "Limitless" again though..

A movie with morals feels like a breath of fresh air after watching a movie with no morals whatsoever (or more accurately, evil morals).

So, keep on hating, it will make everyone positively surprised, when they actually see the movie.. so many movies of this type I have watched with groans, and was expecting to at least groan a lot during this one as well. Other movies of this type I haven't even been able to finish, because they have been unfocused, dull, chaotic, grey, dark, depressing or just somehow really messed up.

This movie had none of those flaws, and it's duration time just flew by (more than just a figure of speech, if you have seen the movie, you know what I mean).

I kept waiting for the 'bad part' that would make me hate this movie too, but.. it never came! It was all good fun, and knowing it would be a cliché story with morals, I was able to thoroughly enjoy it. Haven't seen a movie this fun for a long time!

Why do people expect originality from a movie like this anyway? It's like going to an amusement park, and expect originality from the roller coaster. It's not going to take you to other dimensions or planets, it's just going to roll you around, giving you a fun ride, and that's it. If you can think of this movie as being just a fun amusement park ride, that's of course predictable, but which will still give you a great, fun experience, you will be able to really enjoy it.


I don't think people are hating just for the sake of it. It's not because in comparison to all other animated films out there that it was horrible, it's just that naturally people are holding it to a Pixar standard, which is one of the top animation studios. When holding it to the Pixar standard, it's bad, pretty much their worst film. But holding it to everything else, it's good. Also, with the insane amount of merchandise released with this film and it being not as good as their other films, it's easy to assume that this was just a movie to make a quick buck, which is unlike Pixar who usually put a lot of care and effort into their films. True or not, I think that's why people are extra hard on it.


People are simply hating on this because it's cool to hate on it. I'm not saying you have to like it, I'm saying the criticism is going way too far. It really wasn't that bad. It still have the smart Pixar humor, and the ending was incredible. Stop hating just for the sake of it

I agree...well..almost, they are hating it because they THINK its cool, well obviously it's a good movie and they end up looking stupid by saying it's bad.

I just watched it with the family and we all loved it equally as good as the 1st one and that's all that mattered. :p


If it was obviously a good movie then why was it ravaged by critics and hated by many to begin with? Think before you speak you fool.

If this film was from any other studio it wouldn't have even got a 6.0. It was absolutely dreadful.


Think before you speak you fool.

Uncalled for.

Cars = 8/10
Cars 2 = 8/10


Cars 2 was better than toy story 3. Toy story 3 had no laughs and was a rehash of the second. if Cars had been made by Dreamworks it would have gotten a much better rating


Cars 2 was better than toy story 3.

Jesus Christ you did not just say that...

Yippee Ki-Yay!


Yes I did, cars 2 wasn't a rehash of Toy story 2 like toy story 3 was. Toy story 3 is beloved pretty much only due to nostalgia. Watch this guys video, it pretty perfectly shows that toy story 3 is vastly over-rated and kinda lazy. BA48D283767122


Watch the movie and find out for yourself.

I agree.. watch it dude..


I happened to like it. It was cool, fast-paced and enjoyable. Not Pixar's very best, but definitively better than the hatred that is has gotten. So no, I wouldn't say that it was that bad.


Cars 2 really isn't that bad. A 6.6, rounded to 7, is pretty fair. But the 35% Rotten Tomatoes score is ridiculous.


a 6 in a 10 scale is an F on any test.


but in this system, a 6/10 is an above average movie. Either way, I went in expecting this movie to be bad and I was stunned at how bad it actually is. Beautiful animation, but everything else was torture to the mind and ears.

Stupidity isn't a virus...but it sure is spreading like one.


i think 5~5.9 is below average, 6~6.9 is average, 7~7.9 is a little better than average, 8~8.9 is very good, anything above 9 is extremely good, anything below 5 is terrible. Plot is horrible; Mater is my least favourite character. I just hate characters that are stupid and annoys everyone around them AND somehow gets the girl at the end. He's not charming in any way


Its a D on most tests


Maybe, but it's not a test so what is the point in trying to impose test scores onto it?


It's 'cause CARS was probably the only film by PIXAR when people had found themselves pausing a lot longer in between laughs. I'm not sure why they even had to come up with the sequel since the first one wasn't even comparable to the standard of the previous 6 films they produced. Well, it's always been about the money in the end. I just don't get why they had to go with such an outdated concept as a "spy spoof", with talking cars? Is spy spoofing very IN among kiddies at the moment or something? Oh, well, it's just gonna be one of those very few years when Disney/Pixar won't win any major awards.

"Has anyone in this family ever even SEEN a chicken?" - Michael Bluth


This is actually not a bad movie but not as what you'd expect after watching cars 1...obviously this one is not targeted to anyone under 10...younger kids don't know about bond, conspiracies, spoof, hi-tech communication devices, and so on... so obviously they dont know why certain characters are doing what they are doing in the movie. I would give it 7/10 but it certainly doesnt feel like a pixar movie.


Ya know, I sort of felt strange about Wall-e when I saw it. But, I was open-minded, I guess. The same thing with Cars 2. I agree that Cars 2 deserves a lot more praise than what it's been given. The truth is: If people give it such terrible reviews (for a Pixar movie) when it really wasn't less-quality (though it may not have been what people were expecting) it will discourage movies like these that are wholesome and entertaining and have good messages.

People don't realize that bad reviews like this will discourage good-quality films like this. Oh, well. Look, Brave is coming out next year and it looks like it is a different flavor of Pixar. But that's the thing about Pixar, they never like repeating things. We loved Toy Story 3 because it seemed to follow the flavor of Toy Story. Toy Story had a certain flavor. But, other Pixar movies do not share it. Each Pixar movie is unique and they decided to make a sequel that is unique from it's first film. I think that was cool of them.


The truth is: If people give it such terrible reviews (for a Pixar movie) when it really wasn't less-quality (though it may not have been what people were expecting) it will discourage movies like these that are wholesome and entertaining and have good messages.

Good. If this is what people consider "entertaining", then I don't want "entertaining" movies.

It had a few funny moments, but otherwise it's as bad as the reviews were and a 6.6, if anything, is too generous a score for it, and I say this as someone who liked the first Cars. Mater's schtick got irritating about a half hour in, and everything from the spy plot to the ham-fisted friendship message was by far the most idiotic story Pixar's ever done. The studio has prided itself on stories that respect the intelligence of children; this film does not.


*beep* low sales will discourage studios not bad reviews. Get real.


Trust me, reviews of Pixar films do nothing to encourage or discourage them from making the next one. They simply do not care what the Hollywood establishment thinks, why do you think they're in northern California. As far as sequels go, you can never win. If you make a sequel similar to the previous film, they say it's a rip off of the first. If you make one that is radically different from the first, they say it's not like the original! Yes, Cars 2 is not like the first movie and is radically different. That's the way I want it and if I long for the original, I'll watch first one. Thanks Pixar


As far as sequels go, you can never win. If you make a sequel similar to the previous film, they say it's a rip off of the first. If you make one that is radically different from the first, they say it's not like the original!

Actually, there are good sequels that keep this balance perfectly. At the same time, they are like the original, but also, they add enough new stuff so it's really a new movie. I think sequels that are different are actually often better reviewed than sequels that just do the same all over again *cough* Hangover 2 *cough*.
Take Kung Fu Panda 2 or Toy Story 3 for example. These are the best sequels I've ever seen, and they kept that balance perfectly. I can agree to your point though - If you make something completely new, the audience and the critics are not likely to acclaim. But you should keep in mind that the most important part of this is whether it's a good movie or not. If you succeed, more people will accept differences from the original.


I gave it 5/10. I just thought it wasn't a very good movie. It was just a week spy plot, really boring to me.



6.6 is pretty high for a bad movie. The score is similar to Kung Fu Panda, which is essentially a perfect recreation of what Pixar usually does. KFP is to Pixar as Cars is to Dreamworks.
