the matrix is real, bro

Dude, every conspiracy theory is true - except the ones that say conspiracy theories are created by the government to undermine the truth and make cp's look like looney tunes.

And my big sister is probably responsible for 9/11 cause she's a total b1tch and wrote a letter to GW the week before. She knew how much I wanted to scale those beasts like the real Spider Man.

Every one of you a-holes are robots and I know you all have cameras looking at me every second of the day so you can keep up with my progress on uncovering the lies. And the universe pretty much revolves around me and my paranoia because the government won't let me visit just any website I want to, some of the real truth out there is filtered out through stupid websense.

My parents are CIA robots and my teacher is too. I'll someday break free from these shackles and join the movement, but I've got to wait until I get my grades up to at least a C+, cause I'm grounded until then.

Uh, oh, I think I hear somebody in the den; it must be the government closing in on me now. They must know I'm at a computer and spreading the truth. AAAAAAH, THEY GOT ME! RUN! RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!



Dude, yer not Neo so stop the running and do some homework instead of wasting time here on IMDB writing about your paranoia as a reason to be a less than average student. A copy of the letter from your sister would have been more entertaining.



Running won't get you anywhere :/

What you need is the Red Pill


I know a way to escape, go to the nearest payphone, from there I will teleport you out of your below average life and we will live happily ever after watching teletubbies.


lol conspiracy theories

For God so loved the world, that he gave no evidence of his existence.


IMDB:"The "Trekkies" of Conspiracy Theory Believers " nice..pretty fitting Alex Jones is truly truly phatetic,,he needs to get a life already,,hes seeing ghosts in broad daylight...

Actually they all need to get a life,they think they know the "truth" and they try to push on everyone else "the truth" its getting old..were in 2009 people!
you know who Alex Jones reminds me of in the end at the conference when hes screaming?..Adolf Hitler..
This film didnt actually present a favourable view of the "truth" movement and they dont deserve that neither,I caught myself litteraly shouting at the screen at more levels and levels of retardism gets exposed...phew..and the guy crying at the end"I am not a joke"..FYI..You are!:P


Do I smell sarcasm OP?:P

" I am glad you are one of






I don't see what relevance that had to anything anyone here said, but okay.

For the same reason we went to Vietnam.

A corrupt government was torturing and killing their own citizens and as people with power, the US decided to help them. In the same way police would intervene on a man beating his wife or child.

You could argue that the US government has no place interfering with other countries business, regardless of killing, but no one seems to have a problem with their involvement in World War 2.

Unless you think we went to Vietnam to take their oil...


Pinhead45, you're a troll. Put that on your list of terms to look up and understand.


I think you need to research it, because trolling requires intent. You can't accidentally troll, so I couldn't do it if I didn't know the term. And no, not really. Someone on the planet thinking differently than you (logically, that is) does not mean they are trolling. But if that helps you feel better about yourself, stick with that story, I care not.


took you a while to put that together... and it was somewhat coherent to boot. I think you love Eli Roth secretly cuz you sure do bring him up a lot.


For the same reason we went to Vietnam.

You really need to look into Vietnam, what regime did the US go into vietnam to overthrow? I guess you could be talking about Diem, funny thing the CIA backed a coup to oust Diem in 1963 and ground forces didn't really start rolling into Vietnam until 1965 and at that time was trying to keep the regime in Saigon in power. So you sure you want to stay with this arguement?

A corrupt government was torturing and killing their own citizens and as people with power, the US decided to help them. In the same way police would intervene on a man beating his wife or child.

But why go into Iraq and not the Sudan, Hati, North Korea, Myanmar, Libya, Liberia, Azerbaijan etc?


Two reasons:

1. Because the people in government at the time believed that the least bad way of dealing with highly antagonistic regimes is to depose them militarily. Wrong, IMHO, but not unreasonable...

2. Because there was enough public support (ratcheted up claims about WMDs and terrorism; fully accurate claims that Saddam was a monster) to justify going in at the time.
