They are everywhere

I watched this movie with mild interest and thus was mildly amused. I got a kick out of the idea that the security detail, which was in place for the government officials, being there to spy on Mr Jones. Then they find some poor schlub who they think is a government spy and follow him around. He sees a conspiracy under every rock, it seems.

It reminds me of when I was a kid. I would hang out at a friend's house down the road. His family would sit on their front stoop, watching the stars, shooting the shhht. One night, they pointed out a bright 'star' in the west, low to the horizon. They swore up and down it was a UFO. Not only that, but the UFO was spying on them. Not spying on nuclear missile silos, power plants, bright cities, or air traffic. No, it was spying on a few people sitting on a stoop. Only later did I figure out that the bright star/UFO-spy craft was the planet venus. They were such fanatical UFO believers that they couldn't understand how absurd their thought processes were.

Love's turned to lust and blood's turned to dust in my heart.
