The first time with him, I was all lolwut. Then oh please not him again the second time. The third time I was clamoring for more.

Do they ever tell what score Black Star got for his report? Later when they're are practicing soul resonance Suba tells Maka that BS studies for all his tests and gets zero on purpose, but I don't think its ever said what his one word report got him.

Hero and the sneezing, am I the only one who felt sorry for the pixie/fairy girls?

I want freedom from unwarranted accusations of sucrose theft and I want it NOW!


man that character is so funny! especially the first episode he´s in


yeah i loved excalibur


Yeah, I felt sorry for the pixies too.

So Hero puts up with hellish list of demands that Excalibur asks for with such devotion yet he breaks up with the sword cause of a sneezing ?


Lol when he was with Hero and walks over to the rollie pollie bug and calls it a fool.. I DIED! lmao! Yeah, Excaliburs bits are definitely funny.
