Very funny

I loved this movie, i havent laughed so much in a long time.
My only issue is that it is very limited to the South African audience. I dont think other countries will get the humour.


While I agree that ti was funny I wudn't call it overly so: it's not like a pure comedy but I enjoyed it nonetheless.

And agreed on the last point, most of the humour is for South Africans only.

Movie Review Blog:


I agree, it is so South African and you simply cannot adapt it because then the whole story would change. Simply an amazing film,for South Africans


disagree completely -- about it being for south africans only, that is. what's more universal than a story about a wedding & all the frenzy surrounding it? i'm from the US & found it amusing and very likable, if slightly predictable & a bit cheesy. along the lines of "Monsoon Wedding".



Hey, I'm American and I enjoyed the hell out of this movie---the situations were a little bit more realistic than you see in the average Hollywood romcom, and frankly, it was nice to see an African romcom for a change, something we Americans rarely see. The crazy obstacles that Elvis ran into on his way to the wedding (basically his friend's fault,to some extent) including the goat, the racist Afrikaners they run into, the white woman doctor who hitches a ride with them,the brief acknowledgement of SA's apartheid past and how it still lingers even today----all those elements came together to make a genuinely feel-good film that isn't sappy or sentimental in the least. I love foreign films, so I didn't have any problem with it, mainly because I like seeing how people live in other parts of the world. I would recommend this to anyone who likes non-Hollywood romcoms.
