voice dub?

was there a voice dub over the bald guy with the beard's lines (i cannot remember his name or what his title was- a prosecutor?). i know some italian and it certainly didn't look like his mouth was moving to the words being spoken.


in case anyone else is curious, i found out the actor is french and did not speak any italian. he recited his lines in french (the actress playing rita did not speak any french so that must have been interesting) and they later dubbed the lines in italian.

on the dvd, there is a short making-of documentary and it mentions this. it also shows some of the scenes before the italian voice dub and has both italian and english subtitles for his lines.


Hey Steven,

Thanks for posting these; I was also curious about the voice dubs because, while I do understand Italian, I don't think that was even necessary to notice that the lips didn't match the voice. I thought I had noticed it in more than one character, but I wasn't paying THAT much attention, so maybe it was just the prosecutor man and I was generalizing it to others.

In any case, I too found out that the role was played by a French actor, and found that to be interesting. I wish I could see the making-of docu, but I only have Netflix instant streaming. But thank you for bringing that up, as well. This answered a few of my questions.
