Chris' Double Standard

It's interesting how Chris gets to say his beloved n----- word because he's black, but also wants to be able to say f----t whenever he wants, even though he wants us to think he's straight. Unless he's going to bend over and take it like a man, he doesn't get to say that word.

And, FYI, over 40% of homeless youth are gay, because their parents throw them away when they come out. So f--- you, Chris.

I used to think Chris was a funny guy, but this just isn't funny any more. It's just stupid.


exactly. a white guy can't call the black guy a n!gger

a straight person can't call a gay dude a fagqot.

Twilight in 30 seconds



I think you are forgetting that he joked about that being one of the only advantages of being black. It's a stand up routine. At least repeat it within the context it was spoken.

being able to say "f-ggot" to gay people like TR knight is "one of the advantages of being black"?

Twilight in 30 seconds



Chris was talking about black people being able to say the n-word. And how white people thought it unfair that black were able to say it and they weren't. His reply was "it was one of the only advantages to beings black" If you saw the concert, you would remember that part. Why start trouble where none need be?

but what about his defense of isaiah washington?

sure, black people can say the n- word to another black person.

but only gay people can say the "f-ggot" to another gay person. it's one of "their advantages" too.

Twilight in 30 seconds


because *beep* and *beep* ARE NOT ON THE SAME LEVEL OF INSULT.


The comedy was much weaker than CR's previous (in my opinion), but the standard thing... I think the issue is yours.

Americans have been so brainwashed with all the politically correct stuff that really, they have trouble thinking for themselves. Except for maybe getting righteously annoyed while reading this. Well, that's right, I said it...

Anyone can call anyone else whatever they please, such as the next gentlemen may call me whatever they please. It's only in my duty to feel offended and it's a duty I shall choose to skip. No one can offend you without your consent so please stop arguing about *beep* or *beep*

That's for the inside stuff, and sure, it's easier said than done. On the outside, such words have of course no place in a business context, but in a comedy show... please, let the man say whatever he pleases.


I agree; and that it is to be taken with a grain of salt. I see what people are saying, but its comedy, the man is trying to make some dollars. But in my opinion, its part of my language and no man, no person, OWNS language. So if I want to call someone a *beep* *beep* I'll do so, and they'll just have to deal with it. And if they have a problem with it, i'll just say "I'm practicing my stand-up" hahaha


How about the double standard of being "politically correct" versus freedom of speech?

------"Are you an American? I'm not an American, i'm a nymphomaniac"------


Thought the same thing. Oh well.

Voting Hist.


I agree with the OP. Even though I don't like when anybody uses any racial or homophic slur, socially it's ok to say a slur if your in that group.

I am glad that I'm not the only one who realized how wrong Chris was when he said there are no gay homeless people. Now he is right that there are very few homeless Asians in America. But I have lived in Los Angeles which has one of the country's highest population of homelessness, many of whom are teens and young adults. A staggering number of the homeless youth population are gay teens who were kicked out of their families homes for being homosexual.

It doesn't cost a thing to smile and you don’t have to pay to laugh! - India Arie


yeah, let's just forget about the whole context and how the skit ironacially pokes fun at exactly what your post is about.
