Damian Wayne

I haven't seen the show in a while but I heard that they brought in Damian Wayne (although altered from the comics). Did anyone like this version of him? I know he was Selena Kyle's son instead of Talia al Ghul's.


It was all Alfred's fanfic. He's still not officially part of the Earth-23 continuity.


Well, thank God for that. But still, how did everyone like his portrayal? Was it good?


Pretty generic, really. He was raised to be the next Batman, didn't want to be the next Batman, then decided to become Robin so that he could later be the next Batman. There wasn't a lot of characterization in that episode.

Really, the thing that mainly bothered me about that episode was that it was about a future Batman that wasn't Terry McGinnis.


You have to remember that Batman Beyond was 50yrs after the timeline established in Batman-The Animated Series/The New Batman Adventures. In the "Knights of Tomorrow" episode, Terry McGinnis may not have been born yet.


He was in many ways a complete contrast to the Damian in the comics. The Damian in the comics is eager to prove himself to Batman and become his Robin, to the extent that he nearly kills Tim Drake to do so. Bruce, for his part, is pretty vary of the boy (understandably, given who his mother is) and wishes to keep him at arm's length, being hesitant to make him completely a part of the Batman legacy.

The Damian in the cartoon on the other hand is unsure of himself and lacks confidence in his abilities. He certainly wants no part in Batman's legacy and only takes on the mantle because of the death of his parents. Bruce for his part, WANTS Damian to become Batman one day and indeed grooms him as a successor.

Damian in this cartoon, to my mind, is about the only offspring of Batman in ANY continuity who doesn't want any part in his legacy. The Helena Wayne Huntress of Earth 2 became a superheroine against her father's wishes, the Bruce Jr. from Superman/Batman Generations became Robin and then Batman against his mother's wishes and thoroughly enjoyed doing so...then there's the Batman Jr. from another imaginary story...hell, if you count Terry McGiness as a Bruce Wayne offspring then this pretty much applies to him as well. Animated Damian appears to be the only odd one out.


I think the changes fit very well for the story.

You have to remember that this is a different medium and also not a direct adaptation. Changes will be made to fit what they need it to. Which is fine with me as long as it doesn't go too far off and still tells a good story.

I think BatB fits both criteria.


That episode reminded more of the Superman/Batman: Generations stories. I think they were going more in that direction.
