Super Friends nods

I read a post where Exchronos commented that The Hall of Justice is shown in the episode, "Sidekicks Assemble." I haven't seen that episode and will have to seek it out. Maybe it's out on DVD already. Are there any other nods to the Super Friends in this series? I think I found one. When Aquaman uses his aquatic telepathy, the sound effect is exactly the same used in the Super Friends. I have to believe that's not a coincidence.

Overall, I am so digging this series with my four-year-old son. He loves the comic too. (OK, so do I.)


That sound effect for Aquaman goes back even further than Super Friends; it originates in the Superman/Aquaman show produced by Filmation back in the 1960s.

"I reject your reality and substitute my own!" - Adam Savage


Also in the upcoming Strangest Cases there is a Safety segment with the Super Friends versions of Batman and Robin.


How cool! How neat would it be if they could get Casey Kasem out of retirement to voice Robin, and find someone who sounds like Olan Soule for Batman.

One question though...what is Strangest Cases? :)

That brings back a lot of memories. Thanks!


One question though...what is Strangest Cases? :)
An upcoming episode of Batman: The Brave and the Bold is "Bat-Mite Presents: Batman's Strangest Cases!".

Link: p;id=937.

"I reject your reality and substitute my own!" - Adam Savage
