Time Out for Vengeance

This episode is pretty interesting. They are basically taking the different time periods that Bruce Wayne went through during "The Road Home" and putting them into one episode as Batman from different time periods.



And it's nice to see something GOOD come from Crack Morrison's writing for a change

I couldn't agree more. I've liked some aspects of his work since he came on board a couple years ago, but then it just all fell apart. In my opinion (and I know a lot of people will disagree with me), Bruce should have been presumed dead at the end of Batman R.I.P., which led into Battle for the Cowl, Dick would remain Batman for a while, and then somehow Bruce would find his way back to Gotham (NOT going through time), maybe with amnesia and all his friends have to make him remember who he is. It could have ended with him putting on the Bat suit again and uttering the lines "I am vengeance. I am the night. I am BATMAN" from the Batman: The Animated Series episode titled "Nothing to Fear." Putting him into the "Final Crisis" storyline where he got shot by the Omega Sanction was dumb and having him go through different time periods was RIDICULOUS!!!
