MovieChat Forums > Batman: The Brave and the Bold (2008) Discussion > Bat-Mite Presents: Batman's Strangest Ca...

Bat-Mite Presents: Batman's Strangest Cases

So I just watched that episode and I have one question...


Strange can be good, but damn, this strange was just terrible. I'm sure I'll get a lot of people telling me what a great episode it was or something, but all the goofiness and cheesiness is just too much. Hell, I'll even go as far as to say that "The Batman" was better than this crap. I actually like the dark and brooding Batman, not Batman in this show. Some episodes aren't bad, but I'm getting tired of all the lame jokes, lame villains, and lame stories. It's like the people making this show are on acid.

There's gotta be some people that agree with me on this, right?




k thx 4 watching



Yeah, I like this show, but that episode was BAAAAAAADDDDDD...I thought it was just me...

Yes, I'm a mormon. That's why I just smoked a pack of Newports and drank three vodka tonics.


It wasn't bad, it was different. Honestly, a lot of people liked the Scooby Doo section and all the in-jokes and everything. And the Bat-Manga one is SUPPOSED to be cheesy, it's making fun of all those bad English dubs that anime gets in America.

It's a lot of fun...but it is completely different from the regular episodes. After seeing singing and dancing villains, dirty songs, wacky races, an inter-dimensional imp that constantly breaks the Fourth Wall, alien parasites, superheroic family trips, alternate dimensions, time travel, ghosts possessing tanks, gangsters with baby faces, squishy aliens, a Bat-Transformer, and a homage to Silver Age Superman weirdness.....THIS is considered "too far"? THIS is considered "too cheesy"?



I am in agreement. I hae a low tolerance for this show. They have proven that they can make good episodes, but all too often they have stuff like this, which is just awful. I watch this show because I love Batman, but I await its end and the start of something better to replace it. It's typical for me to initially hate something new and slowly like it a lot (like I was with "The Batman"), and this show was heading that way. But then it took a step backwards and never returned.

I also love Scooby Doo. I hated the "New Scooby Doo Movies" that Batman was in, but I can appreciate poking fun at it. But this is the kind of thing that should be left to the folks at Robot Chicken. Furthermore, Bat-Mite is possibly the most grating thing I have seen on this show, and his return made me cringe.

I hope they are able to finish this series on a high note and not with stuff like this or its follow-up episode, The Malicious Mr. Mind.


They were just experimenting with the medium. It wasn`t one bit bad, it was clever!

Some people see what is and ask Why, while others see what might be and ask Why not?


Sorry, but this just reminded me of those Ren and Stimpy episodes that went off on bizarre and pointless tangents.

Yes, I'm a mormon. That's why I just smoked a pack of Newports and drank three vodka tonics.



Yeah, this was one of the best episodes yet! The Scooby Doo crossover was hilarious!

Aquaman: 15% Off, you say? By Poseidon, those savings are OUTRAGEOUS!


I thought the episode was really good. I didn't care for Batman's voice in the Scooby Doo part, as he sounded too much like Blue Falcon. But aside from that it was a lot of fun.

I especially loved the Bat-Manga segment. and Batmite's introductions were also great :D


The Batboy and Rubin is the animated version of a lampoon done way back in Mad Magazine #8 in the 50s. It's a classic. I've never seen the original, but I've seen reprints, and the whole, "I deftly throw my rope," and missing bit from it and this episode cracked me up.

I don't know about the anime, but I assume there's some sort of basis for that as well.

The Weird Al episode was a parody of the New Scooby Doo Movies, which was the second incarnation of Scoob and the Gang back in the 1970s, where they had famous guest stars ranging from the Three Stooges and the Harlem Globetrotters (voiced by actors) or Tim Conway, Don Knotts, Phyllis Diller, etc. (voiced by the actual people) or characters like Batman and Robin, the Addams Family, etc. There were two times they teamed up with Batman and Robin, both to take on the Joker and Penguin.

So, all-in-all, this was a nice little tribute to Batmans from the past.


So, all-in-all, this was a nice little tribute to Batmans from the past.
Exactly. This episode was anything but "pointless" or "lame." I feel a little sorry for the uninformed
haters, like the OP, who just don't get it and never will.


Yes, animated shows should never try to stretch out it's creativity or try an inside joke parody episode or do anything interesting ever. All shows should stay comfortably in it's self imposed limitations and avoid originality at all costs. CONFORM! CONFORM! Or not.


I thought it was funny. Had already a laugh at the name: Batboy and Rubin xD Esp. Rubin. Rub-in.

Lincoln Lee: I lost a partner.
Peter Bishop: I lost a universe!
