Pure and simple crap

This movie SUCKS!!
I bet 99% of the people fans of this movie are men. It's not funny, it's not smart. It's pathetic.
At least there was a small surprise at the end (i admit, i liked the surprise) but basically the movie is just an excuse for blood and sex. Hence, why it's so thoroughly loved by men.


lol cry


Yeah it's terrible


"basically the movie is just an excuse for blood and sex. Hence, why it's so thoroughly loved by men."

By the context of this post you seem shocked. How could you see one poster for this movie and possibly have expected anything better?

"Shame on you for making me use my rape-whistle in a non-rape situation!"


"...but basically the movie is just an excuse for blood and sex."

There's a reason they call it Sexploitation.

Also, you seem to be implying that this is some sort of sexist, misogynistic mess. Keep in mind that the three leading ladies in this film LOVED making this movie.

It may not be for everybody, but some of us enjoy being sexually silly. Some of us find it liberating.

Okay. Now I'm going to do his teeth and cut off his fingers. You might want to leave room.




Well unless IMDB is lying the biggest fans of this movie are females under 18.

Repetition works, David. Repetition works, David.


Yeah, you absolutely HATED this movie sooo much...you watched it all the way to the end. LOL. Wow, what an idiot. Hey, here's a *Newsflash* for you.

What you actually "HATE" is the idea of any man finding any kind of pleasure or enjoyment in life...and that's a pretty pathetic and sorry thing to have to write about.


I'm sorry but I think this film is great fun. Yes it isn't standard Hollywood and for that I am grateful. Are some of the lines ridiculous? Of course but that's the joy of Bitch Slap, it's not meant to be taken seriously! Yeesh...

And in regards to this film being aimed at men/ lads, in a sense yes but I am a woman, through and through, I enjoyed it immensely not least for the stunning three women.

Julia Voth, Erin Cummings.. Yikes I was in paradise, especially with Voth who is just all shades of gorgeous, what's not to like!

So I certainly do not fit the demographic but who cares. It's loud, fast, sexy and enjoyable and sometimes that's enough. And yes, I LOVE Bitch Slap! :-)


