OMG, terrible movie!!!

I watched it because of Alex O'Loughlin, but even he wasn't able to save this unfunny and annoying 144 minute long waste of time. The story itself may have been promising if the screenwriter knew what to do with it. Instead, we se scenes like a mother breast-feeding her 3-year old daughter and our male hero fainting at a ginecologist office. Terribly lame. Jennifer Lopez is a beautiful woman ad Alex looks like every woman's dream, but in the movie they had so little chemistry and their dialogues were unbearable. I know they both can do much better. I saw J Lo in "Out of sight", "Shall we dance' or "An unfinished life". Alex O'Loughlin played unforgettable vampire Mick in "Moonlight", I also watched him in "The Invisible" or "Criminal minds' where he played a serial killer. They both can act, so I just don't know what happened here? Bad direction and screeplay I guess.


I watched it for 25 minutes, and could not take it any more...
I gave up..


I watched it on a plane. Had nothing else to do. Terrible film, no chemistry between the leads and unrealistic plot.


waste of time, nothing to see here.
