MovieChat Forums > The Back-up Plan (2010) Discussion > 50 ways to hide J-lo's caboose.

50 ways to hide J-lo's caboose.

If you can stomach watching this unfunny, non-inspirational mess then you can count the ways they chose to hide J-Lo's huge rump.

Lets hang a huge handbag over it.
Photograph her behind only from a distance.
Have her wear a long blouse that goes half way down her thighs.
Ditto for a long sweater.
Photograph her mostly from the waist up.
Photograph her from the front.
Have another actor/actress block the view of her butt.
Have her stand next to a tree with her behind blocked by the tree.

etc, etc, etc.

Add your own.

As an apologist turned authority I don't defend my comments because I am always right.


Be gay just like the poster.
Act like one if you are not gay.
