Come on folks

People, we need to get people behind this. Look at the intro to this on youtube. You'll pee your pants. I dare you not to.

Go to the site online and do your part to help get this movie in the theaters.


There's already Meet the Spartans and '301: The Legend of Awesomest Maximus Wallace'. Do we really need ANOTHER spoof of 300?


This one is much funnier and takes a real creative approach for less money.


Wow another *beep* 300 spoof/parody. Good thing its going to straight to dvd because I think I'd seriously end up going insane if I ended up going to the theaters and seeing ANOTHER 300 spoof playing.

I really don't even understand how this was able to goto DVD in stores at that. I mean its seriously just a movie that a few friends got together and made. No one in this movie has done anything else period rofl

Yeah I really doubt more than 20 people even purchase this.


i would agree that 300 parodies have been overdone but this one is honestly funny. For one it follows a "mockumentary" perspective and uses humor similar to that of the office. i will say that there is a good chance i'll buy it


Well, I watched the first seven minutes and you're right, it does take from the Office. It takes so much that the characters in this are in fact direct ripoffs of the Office. Dwight, Jim, Michael, they're all there, and it's just not that funny at all.


Heh, I actually heard about 305 before Meet the Spartans even came out... and I assure you, 305 is far more superior than Meet the Spartans.


well,i took your challenge and my pants are still dry. if you found this movie even the slightest bit funny you either need to seek professional help or you are in fact the re-incarnation of helen keller.


That's funny, it hasn't even been released yet.



this movie really sucks


It's alot funnier than Meet The Spartans which was really bad!


It's not funnier than meet the spartans.

Unless your like yahh a 12 yr old surfer wanna be dude.

It's as lame as what I just said.


spartans was just 1 long gay joke. it got boring after 5 minutes. this cant be as bad as that. i look forward to watching this


I really hope you make a post after you've seen it.


You're a frickin' idiot dude, you failed to realize the film doesn't take itself seriously...


i just watched some clips of it on youtube, and it looks awful. many of the jokes are shamelessly stolen from popular movies and tv shows. the rest just aren't funny at all.

only an imbecile would be amused by this garbage.




Anyone who brags about their IQ on an anonymous message board _is_ an imbecile.



I disagree


I find your statement shallow and pedantic.

Mmyeees, shallow AND pedantic.

This is Walter Cronkite saying, "I told you so".


The short film (you saw on youtube) was created for the MTV Video Awards contest which asked people to combine two films into one (United 300=United 93+300). Because 305 had over 4 million hits on youtube they made it into a feature length film.
The "rip-offs" are ENTIRELY intentional.
It's a funny film and was created BEFORE Meet the Spartans.


And waaaayyy before the 301 or whatever the awesomus maximus movie is called. The filmmakers of that apparently thought 305 was funny enough that they completely ripped it off for their movie.

I think it's funny that people on here are so set on ripping apart a movie that they probably haven't even seen yet, that they have to insult anyone who liked it.

I'm gonna come right out and say it: I LIKED IT! If that makes me an imbecile, I shall wear that badge with pride.


intentionally stealing jokes/characters from other TV shows doesn't make it any less pathetic.

if you can't produce a funny parody film without resorting to stealing others' material then you probably shouldn't be doing comedy.


The definition of parody IS taking from other peoples material and exaggerating it. If it wasn't then it just be a straight comedy. By definition 305 is a perfect parody film.


yes, a parody is supposed to be exaggerating another's material--in this case it would be "300," not "The Office"--or more specifically the Dwight Schrute character's lines from "The Office."

stealing jokes is not parody. parody is imitation through satire.


Considering all the IQ talk it amuses me that no one here can compare dates.

Seems like the haters here got 305 from a Mr T. Orrent.

Heh, complaining about the taste of a stolen cake :S It's almost as sad as claiming Meet the Spartans to be better than 305.


nice non-sequitur.

whether someone downloaded the movie from BitTorrent or not has no bearing on their opinion of the film.

and i'm sure Meet the Spartans is just as bad. but that doesn't make 305 suck any less.


It's like protesting outside a supermarket because the groceries you stole in the vegetable section weren't candy.

The film doesn't try to sell itself as a big Hollywood production, it is made by wannabe film makers to wannabe film makers and fans of B movies hence the big portion of extra material.

Yes the editing lacks energy taking out the punch of many of the jokes and the quality of the acting is inconsistent but one can't deny that 305 does have its bright moments, it does show future potential.

Now think of all the great directors who started out the same as the 305 guys, where would they be if people were shooting down their work the same way as you are doing now?
We would be without a Jon Favreau(Iron Man), Peter Jackson(Lord of the Rings), Sam Raimi(Spider-man),..(not even going to include all the famous brother director duos) because their first releases stumbled just as much if not more.

(being a Europen; who is trying his best to import a copy) I got nothing against the way you acquired the film but blindly hating on it is wrong. :(

EDIT: I just hope the "Duncan Bros" some day will do a big project like 305 because they really got potential.


Why parody "300" anyway?
The original movie is a massive, bloated,pretentious,unhistorical piece of crap that parodies itself by it's very existance.


Sure it is. It's also awesome.



First of all, this movie was pretty funny, out of all the 300 spoofs this was by far the best. second of all, if you honestly thought that Meet the Spartans was funny, you need to get your head checked out. you're the same people that are the reason why coffee needs 'Caution: Contents are hot' or why cloth capes need the warning 'Cape doesn't give ability to fly'


uhhhhhhhh wow...trailer was horrible...i did not laugh once...i think I noticed a rip off of dwight's character and dialogue (from the office)...and some other lame jokes .....sigh


Check out the commentary on the DVD if you ever bother to see the movie you're taking valuable time out of your day to trash. When discussing whether or not they ripped off Dwight from the Office, they are quick to say, yes, they did. Nobody's uncovering anything by pointing that out. It's a PARODY. Just like all those Scary Movies and Not Another Teen Movie and all those other things that blatantly rip off a plethora of other things. It's not because they're unoriginal. It's because people like to make fun of things they recognize. It makes them part of an in-joke.
