MovieChat Forums > The Lion of Judah (2011) Discussion > Is this movie ACTUALLY coming to theatre...

Is this movie ACTUALLY coming to theatres?

On every site I go to, it says this movie is having a theatrical release. Is this true? The movie is being released by an independent film studio and the movie looks so bad, animation and story wise. I would have thought that a movie like this would get only released in a couple of theaters before being shipped off straight to DVD.


Unfortunatley it's happening. The mexaplex in my city is playing it. It's poster is right next to the Hangover 2.

If life is so fair why do roses have thorns.


What do you have against movies with some family value to them , amidst a stream of idiotic, violent and gruesome movies with zero plot and equally bad acting, meant no doubt for the almighty quick buck , but with no concern behind them as to what we're teaching people today. We need more movies with thought and care behind them, not more trashy mature rated ones for the lowest common denominator amongst us. Games are the same these days, and they cause the same harm as trashy movies, and are equally harmful as relates to value to society, and egregious to the harm they cause, because they just further alienate us to good values and desensitize many to vulgarity and gore.


There are no "family values" in this movie. There ARE religious "values", though. Given the choice between letting a young child watch a violent, sex-filled movie, or brainwashing him into believing that the Abrahamic god is real, I'd go with the former any day. It would cause a lot less harm.


This comment is so ignorant. Everyone's fine watching Pocahontus with it's Native-American religious background, or any other kids movie that uses some sort of mythological religous background and no one *beep* cares, but the second it's a movie based around a Bible story everyone gets offended. Get off your high horse and enjoy a good clean story, I don't think there's instructions to save your soul at the end.


Sorry but I think your comment is ignorant. Pocahontas had no interest in historic or cultural authenticity and in the case of films like Hercules (a film with mythological religious background) it is utter bull@hit! with no relation to the Greek myth or religion.
People do care. Do you want films cr@pping on cristian beliefs, with oversimplifications and inaccuracies?

The problem with Bible animated movies is that to your eyes (the western society) these stuff are in a way "historical", like we believe that actually took place. The addition of talking animals seems ridiculous and we dismiss it.

The second problem is that these films are generally preachy and seem to care more to pass a message that to actually tell a story.

In any case this film's visuals are crap and look more like a saturday morning cartoon (a cheap one also!) than a studio release.


If millions of Indians were running around insisting that their creation stories be taught in our science classes, I'd have a problem with "Pocahontus" too. Unfortunately, unlike most other mythologies in the movies today, people actually take the Christian bulls**t seriously. As soon as that stops being the case, I'll be quite happy to see movies made based on Christian mythology. Until then, they're just propaganda, helping prop up a cancerous belief system that's harmful to our species.
