MovieChat Forums > Doctor Strange (2016) Discussion > Luke Cage, Daredevil, and Jessica Jones ...

Luke Cage, Daredevil, and Jessica Jones vs. Doctor Strange

Daredevil has Black Panther's vibranium suit.

Luke Cage has Captain America's shield.

Jessica Jones has a Pym particles suit and 1 week to practice with it.

Fight takes place on the streets of Harlem and Doctor Strange must incapacitate all 3 but leave them alive. The 3 Defenders are bloodlusted. Who wins?

"The plastic tips at the end of shoelaces are called aglets. Their true purpose is sinister."


Doctor Strange probably. Despite the physical enhancements, there's not much to protect the 3 Defenders from magic.


By mere thought alone, Strange sends them into another dimension. What kind of thread were you trying to start?

My list of 1,600+ wild 'n weird movies:


Dr Strange's power does not work like that. He needs to either speak a incantation or gesture, sometimes both depending on the power of the spell, for his spells to work. The exception is when he uses the eye of agamotto to focus his mental spells in which he's a bit weaker

Bad grammar makes you look very stupid



Since Dr Strange can easily take on the entire Avengers team by himself, and he has done this a few times in their own comic, these three will not pose much of a threat unless they can somehow gag and bind his hands. Blood lusted? That can't be as bad as the Hulk's anger issues in which Dr Strange easily pacified so he can work with the original Defenders.


Even with Black Panther's suit, Daredevil would still get his ass kicked by Black Panther and probably Dr. Strange WITHOUT magic (people seem to forget that Strange is also a master martial artist). Cap's shield wouldn't do much for Luke Cage who's already almost invulnerable. The only one you gave a useful skill to was Jessica Jones, but she doesn't have the fighting ability to do much against Strange who can also alter his size. Add in either the whole movie Avengers or GOTG (or both) and Dr. Strange would still most likely win. Also, Strange has some instant spells and autoshields that don't require incantations, although his more powerful spells do, BUT his autoshields have tanked powerful attacks and should give him more than enough time to create better shields, which would give him enough time to handle everybody pretty easily without ever being unprotected.

You basically put three street level characters (2 of which are non or only barely superhuman) against a guy that literally contained a black hole in a bottle and corked it and who's so powerful that his mere presence disputed the balance of the universe.


Lol, as most have pointed out, there is no one in the MCU who can really match a fully powered Dr Strange. BUT a novice doctor that we may see in the beginning of the movie, maybe. Still, his defeat would not come by any of the heroes you mentioned. Scarlet Witch might have a chance, though I believe Strange would still top her. Vision is the only one who has a real chance because of his infinity stone, which as he points out in Civil War he is constantly trying to master using. He may be able to mind control Dr Strange if the Doctor is not already a complete master when they fight (also depends on whether he has the time stone and can wield it, etc). Anyways, basically anyone who relies on melee powers is a no-go against Strange... he is just too good.

