MovieChat Forums > Doctor Strange (2016) Discussion > Tis will make the 1 billion dallars

Tis will make the 1 billion dallars

This movie is the best marvel one
marvel best one

DC is poor movies also they make heley qinn FAT in the SS movie

This will make 1 billion dallars

Chris Evans: the original guyliner
Now I am popular on the internet lol


This is the stupidest thing I've read, it's not going to make 1 billion dollars, it's not even tracking 100 million at the opening weekend box office


Avatar opened below 80 million and ended up grossing almost 3 billion. So there's precedence. Not saying it'll happen, I think it'll probably stop around 850, but it's not that stupid of a prediction.


Nope. Maybe half though.


I'd rather expect it to make much less (think Ant-Man #'s) and then be pleasantly surprised. There is no extra special prize films get for being predicted to do huge #s, only the actual #s matter. And it is "better",in film-land, for movies to do better than predicted than to fail to meet expectations (even if those expectations are unreasonably high. )

For this film, if it is pretty good (which is kind of a given, given Marvel's creative track record and the cast/crew involved) it should do OK. If they have hit it out of the part, creatively, then there is a lot of upside potential in response to good word of mouth. And that will play into to the "it's doing better than expected narrative, which will just fuel higher ticket sales.

Personally, I'm just looking forward to "a good story well told" from this film. ANything else is gravy.

Have a lovely day - John Finnemore



Arthur, put the kettle on and dig out those lemon hand wipes.
