3 WEEKS!!!

In 3 weeks, we go to theatre for an EPIC visual surgery from the Doctor. Are you looking forward to it? Do you think it'll amaze? I-CAN-NOT-WAIT!!! Don't let us down Derrickson. 


yep I already got my premier tickets good thing of living in Mexico we will see it before you guys! let´s put another nail in Suicide squad XD


Hahahahahahaha... Hey... Come on... Let's not make this a DCEU losing to MCU... Sorry I meant to say, DCEU vs MCU thing... Hahaha...

But seriously though, we shouldn't make it about that... Let's just appreciate Marvel continuously keeping their socks up and their head in the game.

Also, I'd say good thing about living in Mexico, is the women, but hey... That's just me.


11 days here in the UK. Hyped!


Dude... Why you gotta brag???! 

9 days now... We still have double digits to go... But, I'm certain the wait will be well worth it...


I am very excited to see it. I greatly enjoyed all the superhero movies and television shows that came out this year and hope Dr. Strange caps the lid on a spectacular high note.


I can't wait,,, I'm as excited for this as any MCU film there has ever been.
