MovieChat Forums > Doctor Strange (2016) Discussion > Desparation hits the trolls

Desparation hits the trolls

Disney gives us Doctor Strange. Trolls: They changed the Ancient One's appearance from an old Asian male into a young white female.

Disney gives us Rogue One. Trolls: They shouldnt use the ols Asian martial art master cliche.

Can the trolls please make up their mind? They sound so desperate.


They sound so desperate.

yeah... it sad
i mean... right now it's like a dream to come across a high spec troll
today trolls just make a threads then gone
how i can feed them if they run away like that!

i feed the trolls and have them tap dancing for my amusement


Quick question: Do these trolls get paid to do this sort of thing, or do they just have too much time on their hands?

Fasten your seatbelts, it's going to be a bumpy night.


LOL - they don't get paid. Unless you count the ones that are sitting at their real job but on IMDB.

Reading my signature constitutes admission that I am correct. (Too late)


How many of these trolls could hold down a job where you not only sit at a computer but they also give you open access to the Internet?

If your theater is a space safe from ideas and opinions, you're doing theater wrong.


They don't just have "one" job, DUH!


As someone who grew up using computers and did a basic certification in the use of Windows and Office (I don't say that as a grand thing, but you know, you can't just have skills these days you ahve to have a certificate too), I got a job as a clerical assistant in a local government youth work project while I sorted out a future on the side.

Mostly I designed games and resources in PowerPoint so they were easy to print. Workload wasn't huge, 25 hours a week and plenty of time to surf the net. I wasn't always that sociable either.

A great dead end job.

Dum Spiro Spero


That's why no man alive should have spare time.

Keep them busy 24/7,even when they sleep

A lot of spare time is why we have 'earth is flat,moon is holograph,sun doesn't exist ' conspiracy stupidness.


I have met plenty of those people online. I'm glad I haven't met one in real life.


OP is an idiot.

Also, a chronic bed-wetter.


I see you ain't familiar with SJWs...

... no I'm not joking...


Thank you (I think) for your answers.

Fasten your seatbelts, it's going to be a bumpy night.


Another Brony hovering these boards!


What's a brony? I've seen it used several times, usually in regard to joby_dimms, and was just wondering. Thx


What's a brony? I've seen it used several times, usually in regard to joby_dimms, and was just wondering. Thx

A male fan of My Little Pony.


I actually lol'd when I read that. Thx, I needed that.


Even funnier: that's exactly what it is, a contraction of "Bro" and "pony."

If your theater is a space safe from ideas and opinions, you're doing theater wrong.


blatant racism

Says the guy who hates Jews, calls board members "k*kes", and retweets the Westmoron Baptist "church".


See China Uncensored's YouTube channel (plus The Epoch Times & any New Tang Dynastry TV publication) for episodes on how Hollywood is kowtowing and being sold to Maoland. The Party is responsible for the changes, or Disney made the changes in order to get those movies released in China. FYI, AMC Theaters and Legendary are owned by The Wanda Group, whose owner is connected to the CCP, but those are only a few US companies now owned by the commies of Maoland, where live forced organ harvesting of prisoners of conscience is a state-sanctioned industry that has murdered an estimated 60,000 people per year during its nearly 17 years in business. I love Tilda in anything, but I'm boycotting this movie.


First of, those arent trolls. Trolls are supposed to kick against everything.. not pick a side. Thats the definition of a internet troll. They try to provoke whatever side, just to trigger as many people as possible.

Second, most likely its different people in both examples. Some prefer the stereotype for something, so they dont like when that's changed. Others prefer the change and dont like the stereotyping.


I found it odd that people complained about the Ancient One becoming a white woman, but no one said anything about Mordo being black. Considering the stink that was whipped up over Tilda Swinton, it's disappointing that a double standard is held on that matter. If that's a sacrifice we have to make to move forward and fix the white Hollywood stigma, then so be it, but it doesn't take away that it is a double standard.

Take your flunky and dangle.


Your face is a Troll. I have no problem with changing races of insignificant characters, I had a problem with this movie being dull, stupid and a little too pretentious for its own good.
