How do you rocket jump?

I've seen others jump great lengths on youtube, but everytime i do it I either blow half of my health away while remaining on the ground, or I blow half of my health away after getting 12 feet in the air (which is very small compared to what i've seen others do).

I dont know if it differs depending on which console you're playing or not. Please help.


Usually,you crouch down(Click Right Analog Stick if playing on 360) while looking down,let go and jump,followed by a blast from the Rocket Launcher.

That should give you enough air.

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Thanks, that did help alot. But how do you do these kinds of jumps:

I cant seem to get much horizontal distance.


you practise.



yes jump, crouch, shoot, fly, it takes alot of pratice but you can move very far very fast this way. If you get really good you can whip out a melee weapon mid flight and hit someone on the way down.


you dont necessarily have to crouch. you just have to aim down, shoot and jump at the same time. not jump then shoot. not shoot then jump. literally at the same time. crouching gives more air. if you want more length in your jump. run, and look down. running helps you fly foward.


yeah just practice but unfortunatly there is at least in the normal valve maps only about 4 places in the game where rocket or stick jumping may come in handy and you must have a medic with you to soften the blow afterwards. If you can get it down to a science then yeah youll be an ambush pro but Ill take my speedy scout anyday. (especially with the new updates.)
