SOS Jane Goodall

Escape to Chimp Eden sucks. I think they set up the chimps for drama ratings, like fighting, using pepper spray, injuries and the slamming of their cell doors. God I'm going to text Jane Goodall and get her to rip into the owner of the sanctuary and make sure they stop this manipulation.


I was baffled when I found out that this show is linked (either by name or funding) to Jane Goodall. I'm not sure why? She is such a kindred spirit towards animals and I'm not totally convinced she has much control over what happens when she is not there. I will forever hold her to high esteem because she has done so much for these animals and has made a difference but this Eugene guy? Needs to either figure out that he wants to help the chimps plight or go model underwear...


Looks like you stand alone in your harsh judgment.
The people at Chimp Eden are professionals and it's possible that you just don't understand what it that takes to help emotional traumatized chimpanzees.
I don't claim to know. But Philip Cronje is the site manager and he has been in this business for decades.

