Unanswered Questions

I thought at the end of the movie they would show the pictures of people with the words on the side talking about how they turned out. Like an outbrief of their lives in the movie.

1. How did the Janky promoters turn out, did they continue putting on shows or did they try to find another hustle.

2. How did Young Seymour turn out, did he continue rapping or did he quit after that horrible performance.

3. What did Russell Redds fiancee think about him spending that Aruba money or did they even get married after that!

4. The owner of the theater or concert hall told Jellyroll and Russell Redd that if they messed his place up he was going to kill them, so after Jeezy didnt perform and the hoodlums messed his place up, what happened!

5. What happened with the cop and his wife that Jellyroll was messing with!

6. What happened to Percy and his rape charge that he didnt committ with the hotel worker!

7. Did Mondo actually go into promoting, since he was better than the Janky promoters!

Just something I noticed and had questions about, what you think!



Cube said the movie is technically unfinished so there you go.
