MovieChat Forums > Brooklyn's Finest (2010) Discussion > These are some of the stupidest cops on ...

These are some of the stupidest cops on film.


All of these guys made terrible/stupid decisions.

Sal, Sal was a hot mess but in the end he really dropped the ball by not CLOSING the damn door! Close the door, lock it, and do you came to do. Don't leaved it wide open, don't take a quick smoke break, don't be a moron!

Not to mention the fact that he was standing around cocking his gun in the middle of the street in front on an apartment complex, like a dumbass. He didn't bother wearing gloves either, like there wont be an investigation when four people wind up murdered. Hell, he didn't even have an alibi. What was this fool thinking?

Then there is Tango. Tango was just trying to get out, understandable. But hey, if you had those kind of doubts about the sting operation, why start to go through with it in the first place? Then when Caz got killed, I know you are pissed but really, you are just going to walk up to those dudes and kill them in public like that? With your police issues gun?

Then you are going to WALK the one guy down and talk to him for 2 minutes, then put a clip into him? Not only that but yo are going to reload and put in another clip? Why not throw a barbecue while you are at it. You obviously have all day. did he think he was going to get away with that? Especially with what his commanding officer already knows?

Then we got Dugan. Ok, you are burnt out, you want to do some good. You see the woman who is missing, cool. Now if you really want to help her how bout you call in the police and give them the location. How about you get some cops who do give a damn the chance to go there and not screw up. If you get killed, who will save those girls? Also, try not to look like a giant wuss when you have your gun trained on a guy holding two grocery bags. How did this guy make it out of the academy? He looked like a petrified kitten.

Oh and let's not forget Mr. Good cop his performance at the end. Shooting Tango without giving him any heads up or identifying himself as an officer. Because of your failure you just killed a cop pal. You also didn't do your friend any justice by letting him go get himself killed. You could called in and got some cops to pull his ass over.

"Cool will get ya dead." -Former NBA Power Forward, Karl Malone


"Oh and let's not forget Mr. Good cop his performance at the end. Shooting Tango without giving him any heads up or identifying himself as an officer. Because of your failure you just killed a cop pal."

Thank you for mentioning this, it's the only thing that really bugged me about the movie. When Tango was shot, I thought it was another gangbanger. Probably would have worked better for the story if it had been.

Y'all hear that? We're using code names.


Admittedly Antoine Fuqua films have become increasingly stupider with this film being unbearable in it's stupidity of it's characters.

Training day had some stupid moments. (rookies gives up his gun, lol)
Street Kings was stupid but at least it didn't pretend to be anything else but an asskicker film.
And Brooklyn's Finest did try to be more than just an action film but a moral tale of sorts yet his characters do really really dumb things.


People do really dumb things. Define dumb things sir. Go to Youtube and put in 'corrupt cops' and look at all the 'dumb things' cops do. Google corrupt cops and see what comes up. Your argument is silly. Insider forums always seem to have a few people flexing their particular knowledge of whatever topic their forum is dedicated to (Me too?) Perhaps people feel they need to be more critical than they normally would be? Some of the different criticisms here seem to come from squares with no knowledge of how things work on the street. Training Day and Street Kings were both entertaining films even though they were way over the top. A suspension of disbelief is required. However, I was living in Los Angeles when the Rampart Crash unit was making the news. Cops planting evidence on people. Dealing drugs. Putting a gang banger in a wheel chair for life! (Snoop's character in Training day) There's more truth in these films than you probably know. Research it. A cursory look back at the LAPD might educate some of you on how movies like Brooklyn's Finest aren't that far fetched. Now Clint's The Gauntlet? THAT'S over the top and is wholly incredulous. But hey, it's Clint Eastwood. Like Woody Allen, his less than stellar films are better than many people's best films. But even if you didn't know that many of the 'dumb things' in Fuqua's films are based on actual occurrences, I still think they're good, entertaining films that easily stand up to the criticisms here. Brooklyn's Finest is Fuqua finally, unequivocally knocking it out of the ball park. Cheadle, Gere, Snipes, Hawk etc. are all talented and capable actors and chose a worthwhile project by a talented and capable director and gave excellent performances. I disagree with the short sighted criticisms here.


Wake up people are dumb and they make stupid mistakes it's the way real life is. Sure the way Hawk and Cheadle were killed was stupid I mean come on!


Sure cops do stupid things no argument. I see where your coming from.

Problem is the actors. Ethan Hawke and Don Cheadle, come off as smart. Or at least average intelligence. And their characters are experienced. Ethan's character has killed how many criminals? How many doors has he knocked down? He even knew how to pick a lock.

Don Cheadle's character is an undercover cop drug dealer. It doesn't make sense that they would commit crimes with practically non-existent regard for their personal safety.

But I see where your coming from. Considering both were at the end of their tether and weren't thinking rationally. Cheadle was emotionally consumed with getting revenge. And Sal was thinking on his feet, taking advantage of a cancelled drug bust. What they did was stupid but perhaps not beyond belief.

Gere was pretty smart. How many cops would have had the guts to pull the trigger on a unarmed guy with witnesses present?


^^^ this. the movie is poorly written!


Only one I really agree with is the guy who killed Tango. He could have given some warning lol.

"So fair, yet so cold"


'These are some of the stupidest cops on film'.

Now who's the stupid here? Lol...

Every once in a while people make mistakes. Just like you did. And based on a tense situation like in the scene I guess it's fair to say that some silly mistakes are tolerable despite leading to a fatal outcome.


'These are some of the stupidest cops on film'.

Now who's the stupid here? Lol...

Every once in a while people make mistakes. Just like you did.
The OP was not incorrect.
- t.html

last listened to: Michel Fugain - Une belle histoire


Calinks, I have to say, you have provided good examples of the many problems I have with this film. On a superficial level, with its gritty cinematography and serious tone, it presents itself and a feasible portrayal of police operations in a high-crime American city. However, it seems to me that its characters act in such unrealistic ways purely to move the plot towards the film's main objective, which is the three cops, each with their own battle, coincidentally in one location. It is deeply contrived. I can't help thinking that the writers dreamed up that final scene, and worked backwards from there.


The good cop at the end, I thought he might have called out, but a train passed by as he shot Tango.,


I'm a bit late here, but yeah, that's most likely what happened, if you remember we see the same thing happening earlier when Sal is chasing the guy he thinks has the money and calls out to him to stop, but he can't hear him over the train (and it turns out the guy was just running for the train).

And yeah, when Tango is shot a train is passing, it isn't a coincidence.


According the director's commentary, Tango's shooting is actually based on a real life incident where a black cop in the midst of pursuing a criminal was shot by a white one who just like Ronny, didn't realise it was a fellow member of law enforcement.


