MovieChat Forums > Brooklyn's Finest (2010) Discussion > Question about Agent Smith's attitude t...

Question about Agent Smith's attitude to Cheadles character - WTF????

Why is she so stroppy towards him? And when makes that racist comment towards him in the bar why does his boss tell him he has gonna go on leave for 2 weeks!!! I cannot believe a person in the position of power can make that sort of comment to anyone let alone an undercover cop!!!! I can't believe Ellen Barkins character was not given a dressing down by Will Pattons character after what she said!!!


These days one cannot use a Metaphor that may offend another race.... But the character said it to BE mean and STING....

IA write up

"Imitation IS the sincerest form of flattery !"


But whats her problem with him?


Ellen Barkins character had a higher ranking,more authority then Pattons. But still....her comment was so provocative and since she walked like a man and talked like a man,I felt she should´ve been treated like one then ´n there.

I would´ve cheered if Tango knocked her out,especially when she said it minutes after Caz got gunned down. I get that it´s a mans world and she has to act tough but she crossed the line...and I was dissapointed in Pattons character for not even saying a word against her.


Hell, I was waiting for Tango to shoot her in the face.


Yeah I didn't understand why Pattons didn't say anything either...


It was a poor choice of words on Smith's part, but did have racial overtones.

Patton didn't lecture her for it because she's his superior.

And Smith didn't like Tango because he's rough around the edges and was extremely begrudging to cooperate with her in the case. On top of that, it's likely that her character was meant to be a racist.


a lesbian what else


"And when makes that racist comment towards him in the bar why does his boss tell him he has gonna go on leave for 2 weeks!!!"

The way he lashed out and tried to attack her (Ellen Barins' character) showed that he was beginning to get lost in the character he was playing and too emotionally connected with the target of the investigation. Like the movie "in too deep, He had been in character so long that he was having a hard time distinguishing himself from his character and had forgotten who's side he was supposed to be on. That's why he was given a 2 wk leave to get psychological treatment. I'm sure that most undercover cops have to have some type of psycho therapy treatment after or during an assignment. Keep in mind that their acting skills have to be better than those in Hollywood because their actual life depends on convincing dangerous criminals that they are somebody totally different than who they really are and in order to do that they may also have to convince themselves to a certain degree.


disagree ssha

cheadle's character came THIS close to getting his HEAD blown off

and not only were the other cops OUT there, but they saw it happen and drove off....not stopping on scene or calling for help..

left snipes to die like roadkill

cheadle was justifiably nervous anxious angry...and callous way that barkin's character talked "monkeys" why he should have smacked fire out of her face...

not because "he had gone too far undercover"


She definitely disliked Tango and only cared about herself and her career.

Its that man again!!
