Vernon Tyson is a TEACHER??

How could you possibly remove Vernon's faith and job from this film? His stance against the white "Christians" of the late sixties and early seventies are the most compelling parts of the book. His faith sheds light on his reasons for being involved in the civil rights movements. His job as a preacher put him in a particularly vulnerable position.

Can't people of any faith, or no faith, admire a man who acts on his convictions to serve others despite the fact that he might lose his livelihood? Why would they remove that?

Because they are cowards. If this became known as a "Christian" movie, just because it is about a Christian, they are afraid people will stay away.

Don't you just love Hollywood?

My guess is in their pursuit of a mass (e.g. "beyond Christian") audience, they will lose the audience who really might have rallied around this film, and it might as well go straight to video.


Yeah, because Passion of the Christ was such a dismal failure, right? Poor, victimized Christian. Maybe you should wait until the movie actually comes out before you criticize.


I have seen the film, which opens Feb. 19 in some cities, and it's clear that Vernon Tyson is a Methodist minister. That's one of the focal points of the film.


Who said Rev. Tyson was a teacher? He's presented in the film as the pastor of a Methodist church.


Nate Parker's character (Ben Chavis) is the teacher. Rick Schroeder plays Vernon Tyson, a church minister.


IMDB says he is a teacher in the synopsis, but from these posts it appears they were wrong... "The plot focuses on the role of a local high school teacher and the civil unrest that followed the acquittal."


The teacher is Ben Chavis.


So how's the victim strategy going?


Nate is the teacher and Vernon is most definitely shown as a minister. We see him numerous times talking from the pulpit.
