Rachel Griffiths Role

Does anybody know what Rachel Griffiths role in this movie is? Is she Sally or the grown up Kate?


She plays Sally. Don't want to say any more as it would spoil it for you.


okay, that is good, because i don't want to be spoiled! ;-)



She is Sally! She is way too old of an actor though to play Sally. When they showed Sally in the past for the first time, I was surprised to see she was actually the youngest - she is supposed to be 10 years younger than Ned, which is 30 at the "present" time of the series - she looks like 50! She played her role wonderfully don't take me wrong, but her age didn't do good to the story.


I think Ned said he was 40 during a convo with his old man...which would make her 30 in the movie, but yeah she looks way older than that.

I had a fish named Sam he lived in a bowl........
