I made it to 09.41 min.

Jesus christ..Is this a joke? Did some rich parents pay a high school drama class to act in this movie? What the F!!

This movie made me painfully aware about the fact that this was a movie, and that´s not a good thing.

I just couldn´t take it, im sorry.


I think you made it about 30 seconds longer than me ;(

It blows my mind how people are actually trying to defend this "movie." They get hella upset and take it personally when you point out what a total piece of crap it is.


Personally, I think they _gotta_ be shills. This flick blew & I'm glad I didn't pay for it...

Looks like I picked the wrong day to quit shooting smack...


i agree with the shill comment. here is a comment from netflix.com. pretty sad when the film makers relatives have to come out and try to defend the flick.

"For all of you armchair movie critics, I have this to say to you... The man this movie is about is my father. The person who served as an advisor on the film regarding authenticity for period military costuming and what some of you referred to as "toy tanks" has served in that capacity on many big name, well known major motion pictures. Details were thoroughly searched and researched over and over. They used actual WWII tanks in this movie....model tanks? What a laughable, foolish comment. As for the helmet comment¿you don¿t know what you¿re talking about, although you think you do. This film won first place at the prestigious GI Film Festival and that is no mean feat. Some of these scathing reviews seem to be less about actually disliking the film than attempting to see just how ugly, mean and nasty some of you can be - there's a real person behind this story, still alive and still worthy of the respect he deserves because he fought for YOUR freedom and nearly died as a result. "Untramatic"? First, please learn to spell and secondly, by virtue of that comment we know that you probably don't know the first thing about the atrocities of war and what soldiers endured during the world wars or you wouldn't make such an asinine, inappropriate statement in the first place. I'm sorry some of you felt this film was beneath your lofty standards. Such contemptuous comments however, make a bigger statement about the individuals posting them than they do about the film itself. They clearly show an inability to understand and appreciate the sacrifices my father and thousands of other just like him made on your behalf. Debra Smith-Mosley"

its like this chick has never been on the internet before.


Anybody that says "hella" has no credibility. Unless you happen to be Eric Cartman or a twelve year old girl. Sorry.


I agree that the initial acting and script writing was substandard ... but it clearly improved around 10 minutes in.

So what did you miss ... basically an amateur/independant film ($720,000) that tells a story of a young American man's experiences fighting in Europe in late 44/early 45.

Your impatience hurt you here ... it is a good everyman's story that is worthy of attention.
