
I never watched the first movie but the second movie was awesome, I cant wait for the third. This is great news.

"Opinions are like ass holes, everybody has one"


You thought the second movie was good? O dear. The first movie was really good through-out, but they could have done a lot more with it and the ending really let it down. The second movie was a disaster. It looks like the third will also fail. It's meant to be about 1 guy, not a group of seals, it's just stupid to follow number two seeing as it was so bad.


I think behind enemy lines 2 was realy good, and i know that behind enemy lines 3 will be realy good as well. I cant understand why so many people bashed it so much, yes alright it didnt have top class actors and it wasnt a first class movie and they didnt have the same budget as the first. Movies dont have to have all of what i decribed, some of the best movies ever made are b and c grade. movies are only there for entertainment and the second movie certainly entertained me and guess what i even went as far as purchasing the dvd and have whatched it a fare few times.

"Opinions are like ass holes, everybody has one"


Yeah right.
When the north koreans where shooting at the taxi, it didnt get a scratch on it.


The first was excellent
The second was PURE GARBAGE !
This one, the third, (Colombia) is quite good (unexpectedly good !)


Exactly. Second movie blew. This one was very entertaining. All in all a good popcorn flick.
