MovieChat Forums > Camino (2008) Discussion > Worst ever violins (and movie)

Worst ever violins (and movie)

Holy *beep* I was agog and aghast, watching this rubbish and thinking "Just how long can those bloody violins go on for?" As for the film itself, it would be impossible to make a worse pile of excrement. Even Billy Connoly's C&W song where they all die is more palatable and palpable. And realistic.

While not Spanish, I live in Spain, and love the country, but I could never forgive this *beep* At this very moment, they are debating its significance on TV. Let's hope a giant truck runs into the studio and sends them all to their heaven! OK, it's not live, but better dead than Caminoed.

Let me make it clear I am not objecting to the daft religious stuff, just that it's the worst movie I have ever seen. I swear to god.

Be seeing you


I watched the movie the same day and liked it. If this is the worst movie you have ever seen, congratulations! Your taste in cinema must be fantastic.


I agree with you, Prannock. I just watched this movie at the opening of the Eurocine Festival in Bogota, and it was simply unbearable to watch... I had to leave the cinema. I felt shame for the Spanish ambassador, who opened the festival and introduced the movie.


I was at the same screening as PibeValderrama and I have to say the way the story was told was way too melodramatic. The girls suffering seemed like a cheap shot to create empathy and compassion from the spectator. This is fine, but it shouldn't be repetitive and relentless because it loses its strength. Quite unberable really. And some of the shots at the end were a bit cliché really.


I mean ending it with her embracing the boy, in a white background? REALLY????? The director couldn't come up with something a bit more original that just shooting them running around a white set? That's an insult to the audience if you ask me. And the dad dying? Please...

And don't get me started on the fathers death. Everyone squirmed and gasped at disbelief that the director would have guts to go even lower (or depressing). You could even hear people say "come ooooon". The father didn't die in real life, and I don't think it was necessary to kill him of in such a convenient way.
