The dogs on the leashes

Is it me, or was this the most stupid thing I've ever seen in a movie?


No it wasn't you..... BECAUSE I AGREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo STUPID.


Very stupit scennes accord to a very stupid movie.

I have seen practically to the end because I could not beleave so so bad movie.

Hablo mejor espaƱol :)


I'm sorry... I have to disagree...

This was yet another in a MASSIVE SERIES of stupid things in stupid movies aired on the SyFy channel. Seems like the entire SyFy network went down the tubes since some genius decided that SyFy was a cool name for a channel that features (or is supposed to feature) science fiction programming. I don't know in what scifi parallel dimension, wrestling is science fiction... Although it IS fiction, there's very little science to it.

The only reason I can see is that it probably went from the contraction of Science Fiction (SciFi) to an Acronym for Sucks Yes F*&k'd Yes (SYFY).


How stupid were the kids in this movie though? Always chasing the "cute and cuddly" baby tornados. What a fun game! They deserved to die...more than the boy in the plane at the beginning. At least he was smart enough to be scared.

No, the *stupidest* thing would've been if they actually showed the dogs spinning around and around in the tornado. :P That's what I was expecting to see when the dog owners tied all the leashes to that pole...dizzy dogs flying around the pole in a perfect circle.

I'm guessing we were *supposed* to laugh at the final shot of this masterpiece... an ominous freeze frame of the dog in Paris. Aww. Poor pooch doesn't know what horrors await him in the sequel.


I was in trepidation for that poodle in Paris at the end too. I don't know if there ever was a sequel. They may have been taking a leaf out of the book of some horror films. Showing the viewer that the menace hadn't gone away. An unhappy dead end so to speak.

I know that I'm hard-hearted. But I wish that some of those children at play had perished instead of the dogs. But I actually liked the little wind devil scenes. It gave the feel of supernatural menace to the film. Instead of boring old sci-fi. But the film didn't get too bogged down in 'technicalities.' I don't usually like disaster movies. But this one kept me interested.
