Where does the Franchise stand?

As there been any word since it's release of additional movies or restarting it yet again.


Nop know word but these things can take time especially when the film was not a huge success. Like it made money but not what they would of liked.
I would say wait untill star trek is finished filming then if there is know word by then I would say they are not making a sequel.

I'm not clumsy it's just the floor hates me, the table and chairs are bullies and the walls get in


Cool thanks for the response.


Your welcome

I'm not clumsy it's just the floor hates me, the table and chairs are bullies and the walls get in


I wouldn't hold your breath. I would think a reboot is more likely.


If they do that then that ridiculous

I'm not clumsy it's just the floor hates me, the table and chairs are bullies and the walls get in


That will make it three reboots.

IF they do that, Then i hope they start off somewhere later down the line.

I.E. I don't think we need to see how jack and cathy meet and date for the third time.


I agree no reboot. Just bite the bullet and make the next film even better.


They wasted so much money on this one I doubt we'll hear anything fot at least 5 years. They should have the script ready before shooting starts this time and an A-lister who can open the movie, because the material itself is not popular enough anymore.


I disagree about the material not being popular enough anymore. If you've followed the Jack Ryan universe to the Jack Ryan Jr., you'll know that Clancy was still eerily accurate on predicting things.

And, he didn't just focus his sights on Russia. He covered Japan, China, Latin/South America as well as the middle East.

I think he's got a ton of stuff that would work.

The problem is, as is most always the problem, is that Hollywood doesn't know what the eff they are doing. They don't want to pay money to write good scripts, and they try to portray an analyst - a reluctant hero - as being an American "James Bond", and that doesn't work.

The best Clancy movie is still Red October, and that was suspense filled, not just action-packed. Remember, at the time the movie came out, the Cold War wasn't over for that long. And part of the suspense of the movie was that it took place during the Cold War.

Plus, don't forget an important part of the plot was if Ramius was defecting or going to launch an attack? Do they need to bring him in or stop him?

There were only a couple of real action sequences in the whole movie - yet it was a great movie.
