MovieChat Forums > Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit (2014) Discussion > how did they miss the mark so much?

how did they miss the mark so much?

Well, it wasn't nearly as bad as Sum of All Fears. Affleck was completely unwatchable in that. This just really had nothing to invest in. Bad casting all around, no story to speak of, a backstory that was less interesting than TASM's "Richard Parker: Superspy". Branagh should neither have directed this nor acted in it. I like Pine well enough in the Star Trek movies, but none of his other efforts have impressed me. He sure does seem to be trying to get some traction across genres so I'll give him credit for that.

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Chris has said recently that he regrets that they didn't get it right and there probably won't be a sequel. But he hopes that someone in the future will pick it up again even if he is not involved and give it another go.
I think he did a good job with what was given to him the film was not bad i rather enjoyed it. I do wish they had added more to it but can't change that now.

as for impressing you in other films it's down to taste but his getting there his own way. which is why i like him he doesn't follow the typical Hollywood action star he does roles he wants to do whether people like it or not.

I'm not clumsy it's just the floor hates me, the table and chairs are bullies and the walls get in


I enjoyed it as well. It wasn't perfect and yes it jocked the Bourne films but not nearly as bad as some other movies *Cough* SAFE HOUSE *Cough*

