Kevin Costner was a let down !

Now I like Kevin Costner. I had briefly watched KC in a few other films and he seemed ok. But I'm sorry, in this film the man could NOT act. He seemed so dull, lifeless and eh I'll just go with the flow. He seemed tired too.


That pretty much sums up Kevin Costner in everything he's ever been in.


I thought he did great not dull at all


Given the sheer number of duds he's had this century, I was pleasantly surprised to see him nail the role here.


@oat: LOL ! Yea, poor guy cant act, thought he could but nope.


I had high hopes for this movie and can't blame just KC . The entire cast came across dull and unable or uninterested in their roles! The plot, cast, writing, filming and even soundtrack were all bad! It was a completely disjointed film from start to finish with zero character building! Forgotten as soon as a scene ended doesn't bode well for a screenplay! And the large volume of visually minuscule subtitles that flew by so fast I just gave up caring what they said! Worst movie I've watched lately!

Insanity Does Not Run In My Family. It Gallops..


@crim: Yes the film was not as great as I thought it would be.


He seemed good to me. But then I don't *beep* hate kevin costner like some of you do


Another thumbs up for Crimson. He/she sums it up perfectly. We know these actors can act, so what's the problem? The director, that's who.

Example of senility.


I hafta agree.
Obviously, Keneth Branaugh knows his way around movies. But, he sure dropped the ball in this one. Perhaps he just can't do action -- all the action sccenes in this were disjointed and badly edited. I kept rewinding to see what I had missed; I hadn't missed anything, the details simply weren't there.

Motivation was also lacking in many instances. Please, why did Esmee try to kill Jack? Why did Cherevin want to cripple the US (I know he has a speech about it, but he really doesn't explain it)? WHY did Cathy go to Moscow? And what did Jack do with the dog after Harper left him in the square??

This is absolutely the worst Jack Ryan movie made so far. Possibly also the worst Branaugh-directed film.


You nailed it!


He hasn't done anything worth a crap in at least a decade


@free: Poor guy. He seems nice and all, but I dunno.
