
Totally. This series is dead. Was Dead after HFRO


Considering HARRISON FORD has the 2 best movies of this great franchise me thinks you have very bad taste.


the 2 best movies

You do mean the 2 movies that made the most money, right?


No the 2 best movies

I think Patriot Games made less then Hunt.

Harrison Ford made the 2 best movies with the franchise best Director.

Philip Noyce

Trust me if Alec wasn't a retard he would have made a great Ryan moving forward.

Also was my #1 pick to play BATMAN Before I saw Keaton

Little history.

CLEAR & PRESENT DANGER is one of the best action movies ever made!!! With a real story.


Trust me if Alec wasn't a retard he would have made a great Ryan moving forward.

I don't care for Baldwin at all, but he's the only one who looked the part. I read all of the books, and Ryan was only in his mid to late 30's and early 40's during the bulk of the books. Ford was already 50 in Patriot Games. He was wrong for a younger Ryan.

Baldwin, along with Clancy, wasn't a fan of the scripts for the movies.

Changing the targets from Charles & Di to a rather un-important member of royalty took away the scope of what Ryan did in PG. In C&PD they screwed up Clark royally and didn't do enough with Chavez.

HFRO wasn't perfect, but they captured the fell of the thriller. Is Ramius defecting or is he going to attack? For those of us who lived through the Cold War, it had that feel about it.

But, then Hollywood got stuck their noses in to the process and wanted more action and that has ruined the movies since then.
