MovieChat Forums > Ouija (2014) Discussion > Don't get all the hate....

Don't get all the hate....

I didn't go into the film with high expectations and it exceeded them. It's obviously not a great movie but the late plot twist was interesting and Olivia Cooke is an above-average actress (she's solid on Bates Motel, though her character is annoying).

Bottom line: there have been many worse horror films made that earned higher scores than this.

Just my 2 cents.....


I'm with you, MovieFool...

I really liked it!

I liked it better than several horror-type movies I've seen lately, including ANNABELLE, AS ABOVE SO BELOW, OCULUS, THE TUNNEL MOVIE, THE PACT and WILLOW CREEK.

I thought it was well acted, without falling prey to over-the-top special-effects. It had some nice plot-twists...and I didn't have any problem with the ending.

It worked for me, and I'd suggest it to any horror fan for watching!



Oh my god


I totally agree with you. It was predictable but what else is new. But it was done pretty well and no way no how deserves to be in the 4. Area.


Inferno and Cujo....agreed! The movie at least had a pulse and was somewhat suspenseful, two things many dime-a-dozen flicks like these don't have. It's certainly better than the horde of "found footage" horror flicks that are all practically on spin cycle.

It won't win any awards or anything but it doesn't deserve the ridiculously low scores here.

"The future is tape, videotape, and NOT film?"


"As Above So Below" is 1,000,000,000 times a better movie (in every way possible) than this crap. AASB is one of my favorite horror films I've seen since "Cabin in the Woods". "Ouija" is just a cookie-cutter, paint by numbers, same-old same-old that's been done hundreds of times before. The 4.4 speaks for itself.

Son, you can't polish a turd


Well, HtownSteve...

I think you're wrong. NO_where near to being a billion times better...

...if at all.

If you like AASB better, that's cool, I liked it too. But there were some real plot doozies down there in the depths, though.

Like, can you say...*piano*. Lord, a tough sell, that one.

And, the tooooo often used technique of replacing well-thought-out plot twist/developments with sped up_exited utterances bordering on gibberish. That back and forth "explaining" between the two leads was a classic example of, "If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bulls**t!"

Now, Cabin in the Woods...THAT was pretty close to being a masterpiece, and blew away both of these flicks we're debating.

Hey, you like what you like, and me too. I just don't think you can say with any real weight that one was a lot better than the other.

(Have you seen AFFLICTED?) 



This movie was successful in making me jump a few times. It was decent. It was like an episode of Supernatural. People just like to complain these days pretending they have high expectations or something. Look at people complaining about prequels, sequels, remakes, Twilight and Hunger Games being two movies each for the final story blah blah. Stupid



I've been getting into horror films again and finally saw this one yesterday. I have to admit I didn't hate it. It's not a particularly good movie; the plot twists are fairly obvious and see-through and the death scenes are rather lame, yet as a very fast paced throwaway example of fast-food, J-style horror, I was somewhat entertained and amused throughout. I like the basic premise and thought Olivia Cooke made for an appealing heroine. The ghost designs were pretty decent. I would rate it a 2.5/5.

Compared to some of the other films listed above, I did not think it was on the same level as Oculus or The Pact, which were two of the stronger horror films I've seen in recent memory. It also falls far short of It Follows, which I consider the finest horror film of the past several years.


Nobody should complain about anything it. We should just blindly eat up every piece of garbage presented to us.


I didn't watch this movie for several months after it was free On Demand due to the very low rating here. In the past, I have found that when a decent number of people average out to anything under a 5.0, it's usually pretty reliable.

Today I was bored enough to throw it on despite my reservations, and I was pleasantly surprised.

This time my fail-safe method failed me.


The hate for it is way overrated. I think if you had high expectations for this movie you were a fool. This was a simple cash cow Halloween movie made for teens. It's really not that complicated so for anybody to hate it you have to be a real naive dumbass.

I go into every horror movie except the masterpieces not judging the movie on quality but if it entertained me or not and this movie passed the test of entertaining movie. Of course the movie is terrible quality wise but it entertained me and not many ghost movies do. It's way better than most of the horror crap coming out in theaters these days. If you want to watch a really horrible movie watch Annabelle that crap was not only bad but boring as *beep*


I'm watching it now and it's obviously made for teens. Teen movies aren't always bad, but teen horror movies always are.


Wait, there was a plot twist?


Im not getting the like for it.


I liked it, too!
