MovieChat Forums > Ouija (2014) Discussion > Were they using a real Ouija Board on se...

Were they using a real Ouija Board on set? Anything happen for real?

It looks to be a real Ouija Board they're using in the film, or were there slight modifications made to it just in case so to not stir anything up? I wonder if anything unexplained happened on the set. Then again, if something "happened" and was leaked, how would we know if it was for real or just for publicity. Hmm.


I was curious about the same thing :D I think they did not 100% sure though


It looks exactly like the Hasbro brand one my Mom bought me in the 70s... which is a TOY. The 'antique' one probably wasn't as 'antique' as it was supposed to look, as they have only been around for 125 years or so....


There is no "standard" for Ouija boards. Any board designed to be a talking board (with letters/numbers) would suffice. So the answer to your question about "slight modifications" is yes: the props department made several boards as directed and they used those in this movie. Were they "real" Ouijas? Sure, as much as any Ouija is "real."


There is no "standard" for Ouija boards. Any board designed to be a talking board (with letters/numbers) would suffice.
I used to do it as a teenager and we didn't have a board, so we'd just write the letters and numbers etc on a piece of paper, rip it up and place them in order. So yeah, you can just about use anything.

There's a well-documented phenomenon called "The Ideomotor effect", where your muscles move involuntarily to give results, but your conscious mind is not aware of it. It's been demonstrated with Ouija boards, with so-called 'facilitated communication' with people unable to actually communicate, and so on. In other words, Ouija boards can be used as a demonstration of communication from our own subconscious.

I'm still not convinced that I ever did communicate with ghosts. It's super weird how the moment happens though. We used to drink and eat potato chips, we put a chip on the "board" once and it moved around ~on its own~. We thought the ghost chip was hilarious. Yeah, we didn't really take it seriously at all lol and I'm not haunted


Did anybody eat the ghost chip afterwards?


Why would anything happen? It's just a piece of cardboard with wood and/or plastic.


Why would anything happen? It's just a piece of cardboard with wood and/or plastic.



There's a well-documented phenomenon called "The Ideomotor effect", where your muscles move involuntarily to give results, but your conscious mind is not aware of it. It's been demonstrated with Ouija boards, with so-called 'facilitated communication' with people unable to actually communicate, and so on. In other words, Ouija boards can be used as a demonstration of communication from our own subconscious.

It's absurd to believe that all those children who purchased ouija boards suffered grim fates without anyone in the toy industry noticing. If you are capable of believing in the power of the Ouija board, you are capable of believing just about any nonsense. It's called magical thinking.


Excellent reply haldurgz. Though you might want to edit your fist sentence to "involuntary" instead of "voluntary".


Thanks! Done.


If there Hundred Kids Teens dying after using Board Worldwide Burning all Cursed Boards


The modern Ouija board was patented in 1891, so I'm assuming that many of the children who've used a Ouija board are dead, and knowing how many would be a meaningless statistic. In fact, I'd almost guarantee that the death rate of children who've played with a Ouija board is (on average) lower than those who haven't, simply because it's a toy that is less likely to find in the hands of some poverty-stricken family than in the hands of someone with too much disposable income. And that's a correlation, not cause and effect.


Hah. Interesting, and fairly valid points.


Maybe one should compare the number to how many teenagers are killed by Monopoly boards each year.


I smell a spin-off movie...



Go to hell. Go directly to hell. Do not collect 200 dollars.


So what about using one when neither active party is looking at the board and there's another person who's not playing, and they're the ones looking at the board/writing down what is said?

I can believe in subconscious involuntary movement, but there's NO way that your subconscious would be able to move the planchette around in a coherent manner.

Do not taunt happy fun ball.


Give me a link to where that's been done under controlled conditions. If what you say is true, and there's no trick to it (which is, unfortunately, often the case), whoever did it may be eligible for the James Randi Million Dollar challenge. Unfortunately, James Randi retired recently, and the challenge is in a state of flux. But it should resume soon, and whoever it is that may (or may not) be capable of doing this should certainly apply for the award. If it's true, it will be a great contribution to modern science. Note that videos of previous applicants for the award can be found on You Tube (search for "James Randi" and "Million Dollar Challenge").

For more info on the status of the Million Dollar Challenge, go to


I've seen Randi. Love him.

Anyways, I'm talking about something that happened 25 years ago. But it really did happen. I have no reason to make this up.

Do not taunt happy fun ball.


I never accused you of making the story up. I'm merely saying that in my experience, there is always a trick involved, and if there wasn't one, then whoever performed this 'miracle' needs to step forward and prove it. The burden of proof is on him or her. IF they cannot do it under controlled conditions (ie. conditions designed to extremely limit the chances of trickery, secret communication, etc.) that would raise the suspicion of deception.

The history of mediums and talking to the dead dates back to the 19th century. The whole medium industry was an invention of out of work stage magicians. What happened was that a small handful of super-talented professional magicians dominated the industry, putting the less creative and talented people out of work. Some of them reinvented themselves as mediums. It was all done with trickery, but it usually was good enough to fool tons of people into giving them lots and lots of money. Even Arthur Conan Doyle was fooled. And this is BEFORE the age of modern technology. When Harry Houdini came along, he recogized the cheap trickery for what it was, and he helped expose a lot of them. He never found a medium who's trickery was good enough to fool him. In other words, every single damned time, he could tell you exactly how the trick was done -- and yes, it was always a trick, and no one since has been able to demonstrate talking to the dead in a convincing enough way to fool a professional magician. Scientists have been fooled (because they aren't trained to expect trickery), but never a magician.

So let's assume, for one second that people CAN communicate with the dead (and it has yet to be demonstrated in a convincing way). If it were possible, it would open up a whole new scientific field. What's the mechanism by which it works? What sensory organs are involved? If a sensory organ can receive the signals, then obviously you could duplicate the process mechanically. Instead of the seemingly incompetent and haphazard way that modern mediums seem to operate, you could turn it into a science.

But that sounds absurd, of course, because it is. There's no evidence that such a thing is possible. Therefore, the only other possibility is that, like millions of other people, you were tricked. You are in a big club -- if you were tricked, there's no need to feel badly about it (but you should place the blame where it belongs, on the con-men).


I can believe in subconscious involuntary movement, but there's NO way that your subconscious would be able to move the planchette around in a coherent manner.

Yes, I think so as well. (Perhaps it could be added that if you can believe that your subconscious can move the planchette around to make meaningful words and phrases, you can believe anything.)


The Devil is real. Just because Ouija board users don't suffer a 100% "grim" mortality rate doesn't mean they weren't affected in some way by their usage.


You do know that 'Spiritualism' was an invention of out of work magicians who couldn't cut it on the British stage, so set out specifically to scam wealthy people. Houdini actually studied the phenomenon when it was brand new and figured out most of their scams, all the mechanical devices they would use to fake messages from the dead, and so on. Spirit boards were one of many tools in their chest. The Ouija board is just a toy that was spun off from the fad of the late 1800s. I'm not going to challenge your religious beliefs, just understand that the Ouija board is totally unrelated to any religious concepts. It's a toy, plain and simple that was spun off of a very common scam of the 19th century. You won't find it mentioned in a bible of any religion. It does not have any more energy than any other piece of cardboard.


Because no matter how advanced we become as a civilized society, simple minded idiots will believe in stupid crap like this.



You're pretty illogical. Let me ask, do you do drugs? Do you drink? Do you, or anyone in your family have psychological issues? Odds are you'd lie about all three of these questions, but every now and then you find someone who's actually honest with themselves and others.

As to your comment about lived on other planets, I'll explain how logic works.

A. Are there more planets like earth? Yes

B. Are they in other solar systems with the same conditions? Yes

C. Is life possible on any planets? Yes, apparently if life exists on this planet, it could exist on another planet or planets.

D. As to the Ouija board, has there ever been any evidence they actual work outside of idiom motor effect, or people flat out moving the planchette? No.
I suggest you check out Penn and Teller's show B.S.!


I want to second your observation. Ouija boards, bibles, conspiracies...there is no end to the irrational, superstitious beliefs that humans will buy into.


Nice to see a rational response once in a while.


do it then


Real Ouija board….There were no special FX or VFX in this movie. They played with the board and just filmed the spirits they conjured


This this this /s ^^


"Real Ouija board….There were no special FX or VFX in this movie. They played with the board and just filmed the spirits they conjured"

Haha. LOL!




Oh God help us..WHY would anything happen? FFS!!

Do you believe in: Ghosts; Ghouls;vampires;pixies;orbs;fairies...then?


Being that there's no hard evidence to say the supernatural does or does not exist..It's not fallible for someone to believe in such things(not the ghouls and all that, I'm talking about ghosts,demons,God,etc)if there's no proof to say that they don't exist


Why even say "not the ghouls and all that, I'm talking about ghosts,demons,God,etc" since there are no evidence that ghouls or fairies or even flying cheese don't exist? It's the same thought process.


Worst argument ever. When dealing with reality, ask yourself if an answer like that would stand up to any intelligent scrutiny, maybe in a court of law.


coolrvd, I realize you're not educated enough to understand, but I'll try to explain it in terms even a simpleton can understand.

There is NEVER a need to prove something does not exist. The burden of proof is on those who wish to prove it DOES exist. In the case of the supernatural, no one in the entire history of the planet has ever been able to prove that the supernatural does exist.

It's that simple. No proof means the people who believe in it are simply delusional.


coolrvd, I realize you're not educated enough to understand, but I'll try to explain it in terms even a simpleton can understand.

There is NEVER a need to prove something does not exist. The burden of proof is on those who wish to prove it DOES exist. In the case of the supernatural, no one in the entire history of the planet has ever been able to prove that the supernatural does exist.

It's that simple. No proof means the people who believe in it are simply delusional.

That is an incredibly close minded statement. Did you know the earth was flat and at the center of the universe until somebody proved it wasn't? There was a time when people thought space travel was impossible. 40 years ago there was no such thing as a cell phone. You have no idea what might be discovered in the future. You think our entire understanding of our universe has been reached already? Well lets cancel all our scientific research, there's nothing left to find.

Whenever somebody makes a claim of the supernatural we label them as crazy or delusional as a society because that's easier.


close minded or logical?
51 years ago james randi offered a large cash prize to anyone who could show a supernatural or physic or paranormal power. 51 years on the prize is 1 million and has never been claimed. he will accept psychic readings as proof if tested correctly ie a blind reading. How strange that will all the famous physics on tv not one is willing to try because they know what the outcome will be already and that says alot they are scum praying on the desperate. ghosts may exist but people cant talk to them. A pair of sisters started the whole paranormal idea and i believe went on to admit it was fake but that never stopped the scam artists jumping on the bandwagon


It's absolutely close minded. The absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence. And anyway there's documented proof of the supernatural in the Bible but people choose to write it off as fiction.


In a thousand years they will find this movie and it will be documented proof of the supernatural effect of Ouija boards.


Did you know the earth was flat and at the center of the universe until somebody proved it wasn't?

The Earth wasn't actually flat. Some people may have believed that, but it wasn't so. Just like some people may believe in Ouija boards, but that doesn't make it so, either.

And for the record, civilizations thousands of years older than Christopher Columbus knew the Earth was round. All they had to do was look up at the sky at night and see the round moon, and the Earth's round shadow cast on that moon. It's one of those things that history books teach kids that isn't really true, like that Columbus discovered America.


There is NEVER a need to prove something does not exist. The burden of proof is on those who wish to prove it DOES exist. In the case of the supernatural, no one in the entire history of the planet has ever been able to prove that the supernatural does exist.

In the case of the Catholic Church, scientific and visual evidence is required for an exorcism or to acknowledge a miraculous healing. The fact that data was provided IS proof of the supernatural.


It looks to be a real Ouija Board they're using in the film, or were there slight modifications made to it just in case so to not stir anything up? I wonder if anything unexplained happened on the set. Then again, if something "happened" and was leaked, how would we know if it was for real or just for publicity. Hmm.

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"I can't help but notice that there are skulls all over everything. Are we the baddies?"


The ignorance overwhelms the mind.


Agreed. The stupid embedded in this thread is appalling.


and if something happened, then maybe they would just keep filming, wouldn't that be awesome to actually see magical things happening while they filmed the movie and wouldn't that of been cool and brave of everyone for keeping filming while something paranormal happened?


I would be cool if a unicorn flew out of your asshóle and they filmed it.

"I can't help but notice that there are skulls all over everything. Are we the baddies?"


That would be cool as hell!

Everyone else... IT'S JUST A MOVIE, Ouija Boards are just games, stop watching too many movies. There is a real world out there!

Fenix Bloodstone


By saying this, you realize you are ruining these people's lives. They like remaining dumb as rocks.


It's one thing to have a horse up your butt, but that horn is just dangerous. Would make a pretty cool video, though.


Of course nothing happened. The supernatural doesn't exist.
