The ending


Lux, you're safe here.
I can't breathe in here.


Loved the movie, especially Olivia Colman's performance, but the ending confused me. Why would Hannah go to prison when she clearly killed her husband in self-defense?


Well, they all went extinct, didn't they?


she was clearly in a minimum security prison for women, and she wouldn't be serving more than a two or three years.


Difficult to tell if what took place would be classed as self defence or revenge. At a guess, I'd say he was killed after he attacked her and not during the attack. Leaving the body in house for days and not handing herself in is also going to go against her in a court of law regardless of what motivated her to do it.

Only the closed mind is certain.


The ending is the shot of Joseph walking away, yonder, in that suit.
I thought that was the only real weakness in the entire film. As such
it's not ambiguous or open ended, it's rather the equivalent of the
fade to end a song coz you weren't sure what else to do.

She probably would have gone to prison, the law doesn't work like
most people imagine, mostly only insanity will get you off prison
completely. That is important because I inferred that she wouldn't
be 'inside' for too long. I was fine with the letter and the visit, I would
have ended it on the shot of the two of them. The two-shot would
leave you with a more balanced bitter sweet feel rather than the lonely
figure back turned towards us in what looks like the
grounds of a depressingly cheesy crematorium.


Sorry? Did we see the same film Violentauntie? Or did you want your ending so badly that you got Paddy to change his and now what we see on screen is yours?


No I wrote an eloquent answer to the subject (a question in this case) of the thread, ie my opinion about the way the film ends, not a comment on what other people have said, which although I admit (ironically) that I have now in fact sunk to that level, is totally pointless, in my opinion. I wouldn't expect a film that I would bother to comment on, to mean much to an average viewer.


Interpretations on the ending was the question. But that's not what you provided. You supplied a different ending altogether vs providing an interpretation of the one on-screen.

I only commented because I thought perhaps you saw a different release than I did. Somebody somewhere said that this film grew organically from a short of Paddy's... But, of course rather than just clarifying, you felt compelled to take that swipe at the end... cheers


The thing about film (from a director's perspective) is that it is often both a serious cultural/political force and shallow entertainment. Maybe you didn't mean to sound condescending, I accept that, but you were, answering a serious comment with a flippant and personal Jibe, despite your denial and attempt to make me the black hat (the use of narrative constancy is within all human endeavor). I'll say again, this isn't a teen magazine site, it's one of the few sites that interfaces the profession and the public and I find comments like this a waste of time and energy that bring down the tone and offput serious contributors from getting involved. It's irritating when I bother to try to add to the debate about a film and this is what I get. Not really any use for other people is it? They can get this typical ego bound bickering in a hundred other places. No you're not 'sorry', Yes we did 'see the same film', and no I didn't want 'my ending so badly', all I wanted to do was to try to add to the question, one I thought was relevant given that I thought the film was good apart from the ending. Just think before you post here please- Cheers... and happy new year :)


Boy, its just as you said: you ARE one serious cont.
Now that is two posts in a row with you all hot.
I'm done. Won't be baited again.
peace, brother.


I thought the ending was perfect. it was what it was. I don't think it needed any ambiguity at all.


Not really sure there is more than one way to interpret it is there? She is in prison and hes still into her. I wouldnt expect that she will be there for very long and he seems to be with her 100%.

There is No Gene for the Human Spirit.


I was ok with the ending but there was something a bit to clinical for me. I just felt that the lead stared and listened, instead of a more back and forth conversation. One minute he was sympathetic the next he was abusive verbally. they should have gravitated to him being more sympathetic, as the film ended but he only became wise to a point of arrogance. But as the french do in a lot of there movie they seem to want to antagonize viewers with soft dribble conversation.
