There was nothing I liked about this movie. And killing dogs did not improve my outlook. I found nothing interesting or redeeming about this mess.
My recommendation - don't just skip it - avoid it!
I really have to start paying attention to what gets on my Netflix list!


Yes...do pay attention to the films on your netflix list. You wouldn't want to watch anything that portrays life in a way that is unsavory and hard to watch yet is beautifully portrayed and presented and acted wherein the lead actor comes to actually learn from his past mistakes and grows as a human being. Yes, avoid those films at all costs.


Didn't like either.

Funny actually how many people are amazed by the beauty of the film, by how it represents harshness, lost characters, etc etc. Seeing if for real, thoses places, those people, something is telling they wouldn't find it as beautiful ^^

I didn't like it because of the ending, like a loop with the second dog killing the character seems to be back where he was at the beginning, in an even worse state sicne his violence was more important with the second killing, and he didn't do it in rage but consciously.

He's shown smiling to his girlfriend while visiting her, but the construction of the movie is such that you feel there was no real evolution (which was supposedly the main point of the story), and the hero is as moronic as ever.


"I didn't like it because of the ending, like a loop with the second dog killing the character seems to be back where he was at the beginning, in an even worse state sicne his violence was more important with the second killing, and he didn't do it in rage but consciously.

He's shown smiling to his girlfriend while visiting her, but the construction of the movie is such that you feel there was no real evolution (which was supposedly the main point of the story), and the hero is as moronic as ever."

Oh I do love people who manage to sum up yet completely miss the point of a movie at the same time.

"Two by two we'll go from door to door cause God loves Mormons and he wants some more"


you realize he put the dog down to protect the child, right? i actually thought the symbolism was so heavyhanded but apparently a ton of people STILL missed the point.


Well the kid was already hurt... Protection would have been killing the dog before it happened (as he almost did somewhere in the middle of the film). There it was more revenge.

A screenplay is something very mathematical. I don't think I miss the point by seeing that the echo in the first and last action hints at a circular construction. Maybe in the end he killed the dog for the better, but honestly he's not a white armored knight. He remains more than a bit shady and I think it's an over simplification to say "he did it to protect the kid". No, he did in anger. There's a difference.

So, the circular construction annoyed me. I simply didn't like it. There are other things I didn't like in the movie, again especially about construction and what I consider plot holes, nut there are also things I liked.

I'm pretty sure I get the movie, I just don't *like* it (well, not totally let's say, it's not as if I hadn't liked anything in it).


How the hell did you even find your way to that movie, dude? It's just not for you. Stick to Glee and Smash.

For every lie I unlearn I learn something new - Ani Difranco


I don't think it's fair to mock or abuse someone because their opinion of a movie is different to one's own. I loved this but I enjoy reading different points of view about it, and I can understand how someone would think it was overly bleak. I don't think anyone has actually said it was a bad piece of film-making though, regardless of the content.

I think his treatment of the second dog went beyond protection of the boy - it was quite cold-blooded (and didn't he decapitate it?) There was a huge element of revenge and taking out his frustration (at all the other times he could have acted but didn't).

No Guru, No Method, No Teacher.
