Would like to find a copy

Is it on DVD or does anyone know if they plan to show it again??


It's being shown again on the History Channel on January 3rd and January 4th.



JOURNEY TO 10,000 B.C. came out on DVD several months ago. I purchased a copy at Best Buy electronic store for $15.00. I watched it several times. In fact, I'm watching it right now. That's what made me access imdb.com and see if anyone had written comments.

All these History Channel and BBC prehistoric documentaries keep leading to the same uncomfortable conclusion. Periodically in Earth's ancient history, comets and asteroids strike the planet, completely changing the face of it, and altering its living matrix. If anyone wanted to conjecture how mankind would someday go extinct I now have a pretty good idea.

These shows also lead to the same conclusions:

1) Al Gore's human-caused global warming crusade is bunk. The earth goes
through natural periodic periods of warming and cooling and warming again.
Climatic scientists believe no matter what man does to the earth's
temperature, nothing can even delay the onset of the next ice age.

3) Sad though it might be, extinction is the natural destiny of all living
things. The earth changes its temperature, climate, and geography so
often that no creature can last forever. The only creature with the
slightest chance of existing forever is the cockroach. Just because a
species goes extinct does not brand it a 'loser'. Many extinct species
existed for hundreds of thousands of years, even millions, like the
tyrannosaurus rex. Even Neanderthal Man existed for perhaps as much as
260,000 years, compared to 45,000 years for modern man. Homo erectus man
who preceded Neaderthal man and briefly overlapped with him, lasted as
long as perhaps 500,000 years. The universally-beloved panda bear, created
by God in a whimsical mood, is a species living on borrowed time. The
panda bear is like telling someone, you're a dead man walking. The panda
outlived its environment, specializing in only one food source that is
disappearing. The panda doesn't have enough evolutionary time to evolve.


will pick a copy up.

And I agree with everything you stated. Extinction is just a natural order of progression.


Nothing on there says man made global warming is bunk. Sorry, your a mumbling mess. Gore is about making money with his buddy Max Strong. They know something, maybe we better listen.

There were no "whites" in Europe 10000 either. We were still in Asia, writing vedic scriptures.
