Why would Harry name his son after Snape?

Why would Harry name his son after Snape? He may have helped him, but he also told Voldemort to kill him and James, so he could give Lily a pity shag. And let's face it, he definitely killed people as a Death Eater. And if anyone else was the prophecy, Snape would've remained loyal to Voldemort for the rest of his life.


J.K. Rowling made a lot of mistakes with the writing of the final book of the series, and this is one of them.

Not only was it a poor choice, but wouldn't Ginny have anything to say about it?


Ginny. :)


LOL, it's been a while.

Anyway, it is Ginevra.


Just out of curiosity, what mistakes do you think she made?


As long as we are on this, one is the lack of use of Ginny in the story. The set-up was there, but we didn't get much for pay off.

Also, think about the end. Ginny, the supposed love of Harry's life is found alive and crying with her mother. Harry sort of shrugs it off to find his best friends. If I was Ginny, I would have dropped him right there.

The whole thing was rushed. It came off like the second edit at a deadline instead of a complete ending to the series.

Remember the whole Goblet of Fire! Other than a side love interest with Fleur Delacour and Bill Weasley, we didn't see head nor hide of them. Could ViKtor Krum have come back to help protect Hogwarts? Did anything come of that at all?

Harry named a kid after Snape but not Lupin? Yeah Snape loved Lily, but he was still a jerk. But let's forget all that and give Snape a pass. Lupin was loyal to the end, and he named Harry as the godfather of his child, but Snape loved his mum, so let's honor him instead.


All fair points. I was just wondering what you thought.



its a stupid kids book, grow up


It's a stupid forum about a movie based on a stupid kids book that you are posting in for no damn good reason, grow up.


you're right.


Why would he name his kid after a teacher, much less a teacher that constantly stood aside so that an eleven year old kid could deal with the most evil and powerful person in the world? This part of the book makes no sense, period.


Snape gave up everything to save Harry's life. Harry felt it was worth honoring "probably the bravest man I ever knew."


He was also a sadistic bully who took pleasure in making children's lives hell.


I dought that. And "A pitty party or a pitty-pat?"


Harry told us why.

His son was named after two of the most legendary Head masters of Hogwarts.

Snape spent decades operating as a double agent, against the most powerful adversary the wizarding world had ever seen.
