Would anyone else want a Harry Potter tv series?

I really like the movies and think they did an admirable job of getting so much information from incredibly long books into movies, but they definitely weren't perfect, and I'd love to see a tv series of it one day, with each book being one season. With the success of Game of Thrones and other book turned into shows adaptions like A Series of Unfortunate Events, I think long book series work best as tv shows. I think a Harry Potter series on Netflix would be perfect.They'd have much more time to get more plots and storylines from the books into a series, and if it ran every year the cast would age appropriately.

The seasons could even vary by length, like the first two seasons could be 7 or 8 episodes since they're pretty short, and the 5th through 7th seasons could be 13 since they're so long.

I don't think it should happen soon since the last movie still is pretty recent, but I hope they do it one day.


My father and I have discussed this! He has stated a lot that he wishes they made Harry Potter a TV show instead of movies because there is SO much important detail from the books that has been left out in the movies. A TV show would give more time to get important details in. The first 3 movies are close to the books, but the 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th movies are far from the books. For that reason my dad hates those movies. I'm glad to hear my father and I aren't the only ones who think this is a good idea


I wouldn't put it past HBO, they're currently desperate for a hit series to keep all those "Game of Thrones" viewers.

Send them a pitch!


I've thought about this for a long time. My personal view is that a TV series, especially something like with Netflix, where you can vary each season in terms of episodes as needed, is probably the only way to really flesh out the full story. Unfortunately, as a big fan of both the movies and books, it would be weird to see a live action recasting; most of the actors ARE those roles to me.

I do have a different perspective than some though, because I watched all of the movies first, and then read the books. From my experience talking to people, a lot of people either read the books first (as they came out), or watched the movies and didn't read the books.

For anyone that at least watched the movies first (or only), it may be hard to picture anyone else in these iconic roles. Not impossible mind you, just hard. However, I have thought that maybe an animated series could work. I could see some kind of 2D animation, similar to the drawings of the original run of the books, OR maybe 3D animation similar to the look/feel of the How To Train Your Dragon series?


Not going to happen, Warner Bros has the rights and they would never sell it.
