The Cursed Child and BTTF II

I enjoyed a lot reading the Cursed Child, but I found the general concept too similar to "Back to the Future II": time-travel results in a terrible alternate reality; getting stuck in the past without any time-traveling instrument; leaving a message to be read in the future, etc.

I am not suggesting Rowling committed a plagiarism. "Inspired" is a better term. Still, I'd prefer more original idea.

Did anyone feel the same?


That's funny, I hadn't thought of BttF2 before, instead I thought of The Butterfly Effect, but over all same concept. For me the time travel plot line was but one of many issues I had with the play/script.

For me, there was almost nothing enjoyable about the Cursed Child; the plot, the characters, the dialog, the motivations, almost everything about it made me cringe. But I am a huge fan of the books, and Rowling's writing style, and this lacked the same level of charm/personality.

And, for the record, I was not put off by the 'play' format; I've read scripts before, including plays (Shakespeare anyone?). The format was fine IMO, it's the writing itself that I couldn't enjoy. As many others have said, it felt like really bad fan-fiction to me.


I do wonder if the cursed child will ever be made into a feature film?
