Concepts abandoned in later films

The first few Harry Potter movies establish some characters and concepts that are abandoned or diminished in later films. Here are things I noticed:

- the points system
- the pointy hats the students wear
- wizards chess
- Hagrid barely being in the last few films
- Colin the camera kid
- Berty Botts every-flavored beans
- Justin
- invisibility cloak
- Hermione's cat
- dueling club
- the house ghosts
- Mrs. Norris


Th points system in the books became less and less important as the series went on. The last time the house cup was given out was in the third book.

As the movies went on, the filmmakers moved from wizarding robes and more with normal clothes. I'm not sure why.

Wizard's chess was really only important in the first book/movie.

I believe I heard the actor who played Colin chose not to appear in later films and insted of replacing him, they created a new character that combined the two Creevey brothers--Nigel.

It is odd that they stopped using the invisibility cloak. As I wrote in another topic here, they mostly kept to the scenes with the cloak in the first two movies compared to the books, but then just started to drop it, especially once Yates came on as director in OoP.

Crookshanks was really only important in the third book/movie.

The dueling club was also only important in the second book/movie. After that, the DA became a modified dueling club but far more serious.

The house ghosts were mostly only filler to begin with. Peeves (a poltergeist, not a ghost) was even cut out from the movies altogether. About the only real scene they cut with a ghost was the discussion between Harry and Nick after Sirius' death.



Most of these were abandoned in the books and overall didn't mean anything, like Mrs. Norris and Bertie Bots. But I agree with Hagrid getting such tiny screentime and the invisibility cloak.


The only one which stood out was Hagrid becoming background. After everything, his final scene & shot is a non verbal exit? wtf is that...

As for everything else, these films are (as we know) quite long enough... to revisit stuff, much of which I'd chalk up to younger students' experiences, would be redundant.
Even Quidditch in POA shows there's really not much more to see or do for the viewer. 50


It would have been interesting to see the harry and nick talk about death in the order of the phoenix. Too bad no colin creevy but he wasnt a really vital after chamber of secrets.


I think Colin the camera kid died, that's why he was never mentioned. I think he was killed in the 2nd film.


He was killed in the Battle of Hogwarts, last film. But if I'm not mistaken the actor quit after the 2nd film so he was replaced with Nigel. Still, not much of a vital character so I don't see the problem with his absence.


Still, not much of a vital character so I don't see the problem with his absence.

The OP did not say these missing or diminished elements were "problems". He just observed their absence or diminution.

I'm sure the OP recognizes that to continue to fully use every element ever introduced into the story in every subsequent story would be the real problem.

For example, one of the posters above is baffled about why Harry's invisibility cape was not used as much in the later books/movies as in the earlier ones. But the answer is obvious. Like the Time Turner, that item could have been used to solve almost every problem Harry ever encountered. Why didn't Rowling write him using these two items for every subsequent conundrum and difficulty that Harry needed to solve?

Because it would become boring and suck all possible drama out of the story. Even a novice writer such as J.K. Rowling knows that much.


"one of the posters above is baffled about why Harry's invisibility cape was not used as much in the later books/movies as in the earlier ones."

No one I read questioned why the Cloak wasn't used as much in the subsequent books, just the movies. I would say the use of the cloak was generally consistent throughout the book series. much more in the final book, but the movies generally dropped many of those uses in the latter movies.



Clearly the visual impact of the screen invisibility special effect was deemed more likely to be tiresome on repetition than use of the imagination of the reader.


Great filmmakers could do the invisibility effects far more frequently without it becoming repetitive. The stupidest absence of the cloak was wen Harry went back into the Forbidden Forest in DH. One of the DEs came back and told Voldy that Harry was not there with Harry arriving seconds later. Was the DE blind?



Great filmmakers could do the invisibility effects far more frequently without it becoming repetitive.

So you say. But you are not a great filmmaker.

I trust the makers of the Harry Potter films, myself, otherwise I wouldn't be here to discuss their work. I certainly trust their judgment, experience and aesthetic sense far more than I trust "A_bob on the internet" and his authoritative pronouncements. I suspect most Harry Potter fans are in agreement on that. How many Harry Potter fans are there who trust the opinion of "A.Bob on the internet" more than J.K. Rowling, David Yates, and the other makers of the Harry Potter movies? I think I can guess that number.

The stupidest absence of the cloak was wen Harry went back into the Forbidden Forest in DH. One of the DEs came back and told Voldy that Harry was not there with Harry arriving seconds later. Was the DE blind?

I assume he did use it. I don't see any reason to think he didn't. You are really so vain as to think you are so smart and the movie makers are so "stupid"?

If you were really smart you would understand that the cloak would have been better given to Ron and Hermione at that time. Harry didn't need to be unseen. And if Ron and Hermione they had it, killing Nagini would have been a snap. No need for Neville.

But as all true Harry Potter fans must know and accept, "snap" doesn't make a good story. There is a reason Rowling didn't have the trio use the time turner to solve every single problem they had in books/movies 4-7. Sirius Black gets killed. Dumbledore gets killed, no problem. Go back in time a few minutes and be on the spot to push them out of the way of the spell. Do you really want that logical and real-world type scenario playing out over and over? I don't. Same, principle, to a lesser degree, applies to the Invisibility Cloak.

There is no use whining and complaining about a fictional story. You are clueless if you don't understand that entertainment is more important than pure logic in a fiction story. If you demand real-world logic you shouldn't even be reading stuff like this. Go watch the news. I'm sure stories in the real world will be very logical and sensible to you. But feel free to keep calling the makers and audience of Harry Potter movies "stupid" if that's how you really feel.


So you have never, ever, criticized a movie? You have never thought something in a scene was done poorly, or could have been done better differently?

Nobody is asking you to trust any poster on this board. It's a discussion board. Bob was giving his opinion about a scene and the movie. Nowhere did he say you needed to agree. If you want to blindly screech that filmmakers are perfect and no movie in history has a single flaw and directors are incapable of making mistakes, thats your choice. But your need demean someone elses opinion is just sad.

Especially since you actually do criticize things about the series yourself. You were very critical of Michael Gambon's portrayl of Dumbledore. Especially the scene where he yells at Harry about his name coming from the goblet. Why should someome trust you more than an actor with decades of experience? What movies have you acted in? Why do you know more than a well respected, professional actor? And if you are critical of Gambon's portrayl, you must think the directors did a poor job with him because they didn't tell him to do scenes differently. So you know better than Alfonso Cuaron, Mike Newell, and David Yates?


So you have never, ever, criticized a movie? You have never thought something in a scene was done poorly, or could have been done better differently?

Why would I do that? Do anonymous internet critics think they are going to change things in Hollywood and make future movies better because directors go to IMDb post boards to look for advice and instruction in their craft? What exactly is the point?

Nobody is asking you to trust any poster on this board

Well that's good. However, the making of blanket, matter-of-fact statements about Harry Potter might belie that.

It's a discussion board

Which means....that I should ignore the discussion? Agree when I really disagree? What are you saying?

Bob was giving his opinion about a scene and the movie.

And I was giving my opinion of bob's opinion. Is that not "discussion"?

You were very critical of Michael Gambon's portrayl of Dumbledore. Especially the scene where he yells at Harry about his name coming from the goblet. Why should someome trust you more than an actor with decades of experience?

So you have an opinion about my opinion? Aren't you here to discuss that?

Why should someome trust you more than an actor with decades of experience

They shouldn't. They can either agree with me, disagree or remain silent.

What movies have you acted in?

A few. Less than 20.

Why do you know more than a well respected, professional actor?

I don't. I suspect he either didn't read the book or decided to be creative and carve his own path. I don't know. He (apparently) was free to do that and I am free to dislike his performance. And you are free to dislike my dislike.

And if you are critical of Gambon's portrayl, you must think the directors did a poor job with him because they didn't tell him to do scenes differently.

Correct. You fail to notice an important distinction. I do not say, "They should have done things differently." "They are stupid". "They are incompetent". I say I didn't like the performance.

To further answer your question, HP and the GoF was not one of the movies I acted in. I was not on the set. I do not know the dynamics of how Gambon ended up playing the scene that way. Perhaps he was actively told to ignore the book and play the scene that way. All I know about that particular scene is what I see on the screen (and other instances of Gambon's portrayal of Dumbledore). So I only comment on what I see.

So you know better than Alfonso Cuaron, Mike Newell, and David Yates?

Generally speaking, I consider them to be much better directors than I am.


"So you say. But you are not a great filmmaker."

Nor are you, so we are on equal footing. I have seen great films and the HP series isn't close to those. These are good films, maybe better than average, but they are not great. The Star Wars Original trilogy and the HP series had similar themes but the ST OT were far better films than the HP series.

"How many Harry Potter fans are there who trust the opinion of "A.Bob on the internet" more than J.K. Rowling, David Yates, and the other makers of the Harry Potter movies?"

I think just as many trust me as trust you, yet you seem to assume you know far more than Rowling.

"I assume he did use it. I don't see any reason to think he didn't."

In the movie, Harry had on a lightweight jacket unzipped, a zippered shirt, mostly zipped up, and a shirt underneath. He had on pants (I'm guessing jeans). There were no lumps where the cloak could be hidden in his clothes.

And yes, movies and books can have stupid scenes. Many aspects of the second book were ridiculous. The movie had the sink with the serpents on it just happening to sit over the entrance to the Chamber despite the fact that Slytherin was dead long before the advent of indoor plumbing. It actually makes me wonder what the floor girls room was when Salazar Slytherin was still at the school.



"So you say. But you are not a great filmmaker."

Nor are you, so we are on equal footing.

I'm glad you finally admit that. What allowed you to get off your high horse and down from your lofty mountain of arrogance?

I have seen great films and the HP series isn't close to those. These are good films, maybe better than average, but they are not great.

And, you're immediately back up on your high horse. Of course. Didn't take long. What makes YOU the arbiter of what makes a "great" film? Your own self-important opinion. Complete lack of recognition that your opinion is like your butthole. Everyone's got one. Doesn't mean you need to stick it out and pretend yours is somehow superior to everyone else's.

I think just as many trust me as trust you

And now we are back on equal footing? What happened to your shiny, gold, superior opinion that grants you the gift of telling the world which movies are "great", "good" and "average"? Now suddenly you are on "equal footing" again and your opinion only applies to you personally?

Make up your mind. Does your movie rating system only apply to you and your own personal preferences? Or are you gifted and blessed with the god-like ability to decide what is a "great" movie for everyone?

And yes, movies and books can have stupid scenes

And now we are back to the arrogance? Can a movie or book have an IQ?

No, only people can have IQ's. Therefore you are saying the writers and audience members of such scenes are stupid. Perhaps, in your ultimate wisdom, you can explain how low the IQ is of a writer who writes a "stupid scene" or an audience member who likes and appreciates that "stupid scene". Are you saying they have an IQ of say...85 maybe? Even lower? Are you actually trying to propose that the people who make and like certain multi-million dollar movies are mentally retarded?


"What allowed you to get off your high horse and down from your lofty mountain of arrogance? "

I don't have a high horse. You seem to have one. All my posts here are based on my opinions. You have always been free to disagree but instead, you seem to take everything I say as an affront who you are and what you think and take things so personally that you can't think straight.

I can say that these films were not great, but still good or better than average. I am not saying that everyone else should agree with me like you have done such as calling me racist for not agreeing with your interpretation.

"Therefore you are saying the writers and audience members of such scenes are stupid."

There you go again in intentionally misunderstanding me. are you swaying authors and filmmakers are gods and can do no wrong? Get off your high horse and actually try to understand what I am writing.



There you go again in intentionally misunderstanding me...try to understand what I am writing.

I understand perfectly what you wrote. You wrote:

I have seen great films and the HP series isn't close to those. These are good films, maybe better than average, but they are not great..

Let's face it. All your attempts at deflection and misdirection and self-excusal are in vain. Your own words betray you. You cannot escape your inner self and your manner of speech will always reveal that.

You could have said "I don't think these are great films". But you didn't. Instead you qualify your statement with the authoritative "I have seen great films..".

Consider the purpose of using such a qualifier. Was it because you thought your readers suspected you have never seen a great film and you wanted them to know you have? Of course not. Nobody would or could think you have spent your entire life watching only bad movies.

The purpose of that qualifier was to assert that YOU have the power to distinguish a "great" movie from an "average" movie and that certain other people do NOT have that power. There is no other possible reason for your word choice. Despite your best efforts to bluster and evade, your word choices will reveal your true self every time.


"Consider the purpose of using such a qualifier."

I don't use a qualifier because I make the assumption that I am talking with sane people. I do apologize for that. Al of my statements should be read as my opinion and the qualifier of "I think" or something similar should be accepted.

I have explained this to you before. I think you are enjoy being a troll.



Al of my statements should be read as my opinion and the qualifier of "I think" or something similar should be accepted.

Sorry, it doesn't work that way. People on the internet do not know you and you can't assume they do.

The equation is simple on the internet: Modest, respectful, considerate people qualify their opinions with "I think". Pompous, arrogant people do not. They make blanket statements of fact, as you do. If you cannot take the small trouble to add an occasional admission of humility to your online posts, there is no reason to think you are a modest person who respects the validity of other people's thoughts. Your incessant, endless series of attack support that assumption. If you write arrogantly, there is no reason to assume you are not arrogant.

I think you are enjoy being a troll.

It is my policy to mirror the tone of all those on the internet who choose to address me. Thus our posts are of similar length, tone and content. If you are calling me a troll, you are simply calling yourself one.

There is a difference between us. I am on the internet pretending to be arrogant. You are on the internet pretending not to be. You may enjoy endless insulting and argument with others but I do not. If you are refusing to ever cease your arrogant tone and never start speaking respectfully, I have no further interest in communication, ever. You have been placed on permanent ignore.


"The equation is simple on the internet: Modest, respectful, considerate people qualify their opinions with "I think". Pompous, arrogant people do not."

you do not. In most of the posts here, you do not qualify that something is your opinion. You expect others to accept your points and get angry when they don't. You have stated without qualification that you know what Rowling was thinking when writing the books. You have stated without qualifications that you know that Rowling was speaking only to one part of her audience when she explained the plots of her books.

You stated that I was, without qualifications, a racist for your view of house elves. You do not live up to your own standards here.

"I am on the internet pretending to be arrogant. You are on the internet pretending not to be."

Another statement that you consider to be a fact without qualification. I am here for fun and just want to discuss the HP series. No arrogance involved. And I don't see the difference between pretending to be arrogant and being arrogant. You are what you write on the internet. You, as others here have stated, are arrogant.

